Dev Log Week 11 (kinda): FINISH!

This is it. I’m finally done.

A whole summer’s work is behind me, and I have a finished game. I’m not sure that I have too much I want to add. I could discuss the design of my final set of levels, but I also want to keep those a secret even for those who’ve read this blog start to finish (for some reason).

It’s funny – I actually feel really happy to not have to think about this game for a while. It’s not that I don’t like it – I poured so much of my heart into it that I’d have to at least like it – but it’s been a lot of surprisingly hard work. From drawing the last sprite to placing the last block, there really wasn’t an easy day in the whole process. I had to solve so many problems I wouldn’t even know would come up until I got to them. My brain is wore out, even with the vacation/wisdom teeth break.

I suppose thanks are in order. Thanks to my parents, who had at least enough faith in me to let me work on this crazy project instead of getting a proper summer job. Thanks to STEP for paying me for doing something I’ve always wanted to do, but couldn’t find the motivation to ever push towards. And thanks to you, reader, whyever you’re here. It often feels like I’m writing for no one in these posts, so if you’ve found your way here, I appreciate it.

Now play my game! It’s free!

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