
Current Members

Dr. John C. Gibbs – Professor

  • Research Interests: Cross-cultural sociomoral development, parental socialization, empathy, prosocial behavior, and antisocial behavior
  • Education: 1972 Harvard University, Ph.D.


Lauren Pino, M.S. – Graduate Student (Sixth Year)

  • Professional Website
  • Research Interests: Prosocial-antisocial tease comprehension and other forms of ambiguous communication; how children and adults navigate complex social interactions – what are the cognitive mechanisms and how do they develop; how children and adolescents use computer-mediated communication (especially when it’s ambiguous) and the internet
  • Education: 2021 Ohio State University, M.S. (Developmental Psychology; Secondary Concentration in Quantitative Psychology), 2016 Kansas State University, B.S. (Psychology)


Past Members

Dr. Renee Patrick

  • Research Interests: Children’s moral identity, moral reasoning, empathy, and self-efficacy as related to prosocial behavior; the role of parenting in sociomoral development
  • Education: 2009 The Ohio State University, Ph.D.; 2004 The Ohio State University, M.A.; 1997 University of Oklahoma, B.A.
  • Currently: Assistant Professor of Psychology at the University of Tampa

Dr. Rebecca L. McDonald

  • Research Interests: Adolescent interpersonal relationships, relative influence of parents and peers on social and cognitive development
  • Education: The Ohio State University, Ph.D.; The Ohio State University, M.A.; The Ohio State University, B.A.
  • Currently: Associate Professor of Psychology at Washington & Jefferson College

Dr. Karen S. Basinger

  • Research Interests: Moral judgments; gender differences in moral judgment
  • Education: The Ohio State University, Ph.D.
  • Currently: Professor of Psychology at Urbana University

Dasom Lee, M.A.

  • Research Interests: Sociomoral development, specifically cross-cultural development (i.e., comparing sociomoral development across cultures)
  • Education: 2018 The Ohio State University, M.A. (Developmental Psychology); 2015 Cornell University, B.A. (Psychology)

Gabrielle Poliseno

  • Research Interests: Adolescent self-esteem, self-debasing cognitive distortions, and moral development in juvenile offenders
  • Education: 2017 Heidelberg University, B.S. (Psychology)
  • Currently: Admission Counselor at Ohio Wesleyan University


Undergraduate Members

  • Vrinda Sawhney (Spring 2018-December 2020)
  • Emma Bernardi (Fall 2018-May 2020)
  • Hanna Detwiler (Spring 2018)