The Final Stress Season

By: Skylar Millard

The semester is finally winding down and finals season is quickly upon us. Here are some tips to help you prepare and navigate these upcoming stressful weeks.


Check everything you need to be able to complete in the week and then assign it to a day that you want to get it done. Setting aside specific time for exams and projects can provide some peace of mind. It is also important to determine the level of importance for the things you want to complete. This will help you determine when you need to complete it. It may help to approach them one subject at a time, beginning with the exam or project that comes first. If you want more information on time management or need a refresher check out the previous post on the topic here.

Remember to Breath and Take Breaks

Set some time aside to take some deep breaths and have some time to decompress. Doing some mindfulness techniques can help you recenter and stay calmer. Don’t let finals take over whole existence. Leave time for the things you enjoy. Breaks are still important even when working towards an important deadline. After taking a break, you may find yourself more productive and focused.

Find Some Peers

Look for a classmate or a friend that you can study with. Even if you are not studying the same subject, you can hold each other accountable for getting your work done and try to keep each other on task or blow off some steam by talking to them. You can also exchange study tips or try some new ones together.

Limit Distractions

When it is time to get to business there should be limited distractions. Turn off your phone and place it across the room. Close tabs with unnecessary sites, turn off the TV or anything else that will distract you. That being said, you know you best so if some level of background noise is actually helpful for you to focus then utilize it. But if you find yourself becoming too distracted by what is supposed to be background noise get rid of it.

Be Compassionate to Yourself

Pulling an all-nighter to cram for an exam or write a paper may seem like the only option. But even if this method has worked for you, missing out on sleep is bad for your health, and studying while tired is not as effective. Make sure you take care of yourself in every aspect. Eat right, be social, relax, and give your eyes a rest. Be careful not to fall into the habit of negative self-talk. You are more than your grades, so it is also important to focus on yourself wholistically during this time in the semester. You can find more information about resilience and positive self-talk on their original posts.

Here are some other resources that may be helpful

The Writing Center

Background Noise Website