Manage Your Time, Don’t Let it Manage You

With all the different opportunities and new experiences available in college, Time Management is an incredibly important ability to develop. Here are some tips and suggestions to help you:


In order to keep all of these events and course work straight, plan out what you want to attend and get done. It is important to use a format that you will remember to look at. Planners are a valuable tool to organize everything that needs to be done but not everyone can use them. If you prefer a digital option, consider putting events and assignments into Google Calendar or even make a to do list and set it as your background/lock screen so you are forced to look at it.


Prioritization can be tricky especially when everything feels important. One method to help determine the importance of each task is the Eisenhower matrix. To use the Eisenhower matrix, make a complete list of everything you want to get done and sort them into urgent and/or important tasks. If the task is Urgent and Important put it at the top of your list. If it is important but not urgent decide when you have time to complete it. If it is urgent but not important do them when you need a mental break from other tasks. And if it is neither urgent nor important then complete it when you have spare time.

Not Overcommitting

Just because there are opportunities around every corner does not mean you have to go to everything. It is important and okay to say “No.” Overcommitment can affect your ability to perform and can impact everything you are involved with. Also, the ability to say “No” is an important skill to develop in life.


It is easy to forget to take time for yourself, especially once course work starts piling up and clubs are in full swing. When there is a break in your schedule you do not have to fill it. Giving yourself even 30 to 45 minutes to do something you enjoy is so beneficial. It can reduce stress and the feeling of being overwhelmed.


Here are some videos from the Dennis Learning Center that can help with time management:

If you want further help, there are courses that you can enroll in that help develop these types of skills in students:


By: Skylar Millard