The Importance of Self-Care 

As the Autumn 2020 semester begins to wind to a close, many of us are worried and stressed about our final exams and projects. As all of these assignments and exams pile up, we as students begin to stress out and overwhelm ourselves about completing these assignments on time. Although the completion of these assignments and exams are important; it is essential for us to put time aside to focus on self-care activities. Our mental, emotional, and physical well-being are critical to remain healthy so that we are able to avoid burnout. If we are unable to take care and focus on those aspects of ourselves, how can we expect ourselves to stay motivated and determined to finish out the semester strong? Self-care activities are meant to relax and re-energize ourselves while increasing our mental, emotional, and physical well-being. Research tells us that self-care keeps us healthy and improves our moods. Remember, you are just as important as that assignment, so let’s spend time caring for ourselves and finish out the semester strong! 

Attached below are a couple of resources that give you more information about why self-care is important, how you can practice and prioritize it, and a few self-care activities you can engage in.