Original Inquiry

My high school teachers referred to Bloom’s Taxonomy whenever they could as a benchmark for learning. At the very top of Bloom’s Taxonomy is “Create,” so I know that Original Inquiry is one of the most effective and powerful tools for expanding a student’s critical thinking and problem solving skills. Here at Ohio State, I hope to find a position in a lab where I can further develop those skills and gain experience in research. I am particularly interested in research pertaining to cancer, genetics, and other related medical topics. In addition, the sociology major contains an integrated elective requirement for which I hope to participate in a faculty member’s research. Another route I could take to fulfill the requirement is the course called Social Science Business Collaborative: A Service Learning Approach. Students who take this course develop research projects with local businesses in order to serve the community.

I am also committed to challenging myself with upper level courses. A few that I’m most excited about include Cancer Genetics, Violence, and Health Disparities in Social Context.

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