The path to success is paved with perseverance. The work you put in now won’t just pay off when you take boards; it will continue to produce positive outcomes throughout your entire career. It is important to construct a strong foundation upon which you can build. You spent the first two years of optometry school creating that strong foundation, and now you begin to build the structure within which you will shape your career. There will undoubtedly be moments of doubt and fatigue as you prepare. Don’t let those moments negatively affect your journey. Instead, write down the cause of your stress, take a break, then return to tackle the problem. You will probably find that the mountain you thought you had to climb was actually more of a hill, and you were better able to tackle it when you could concentrate on the task at hand. Set your goals for each day, and when you accomplish them, give yourself a break. In the long run, you will find that accomplishing goals each day and allowing some time to relax will better enable you to sustain the energy necessary to cross the finish line.
You are more capable than you realize. Approach one topic at a time, and when you feel ready, advance to the next. In the end, remember that it isn’t about being perfect, it is about doing your best. Stay positive and embrace the challenge with determination. We wish you strength and clarity throughout your journey.
-Dr. Walline