Your Student Services Team Returns August 9!

Jen Bennett, Shawn Gilbert, Candace Johnson and Becca Roby will return to the office full-time and in-person on Monday, August 9. In the meantime, we are still available for all of your student service needs. You can reach us via e-mail or phone from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. We also can set up Zoom meetings if you would like to talk face to face. Jen Bennett also is available for virtual or in-person meetings by appointment between now and the beginning of classes. Contact us with questions or if you just need to talk.

Don’t know who to ask? Start here!

Jen Bennett, 614-292-2973,
Shawn Gilbert, 614-247-6426,
Candace Johnson, 614-292-4247,
Becca Roby, 614-292-0497,