
The end of the didactic summer semester is here … The OPT IVs are acclimating to their first extern rotations while simultaneously studying for and taking NBEO Part 1 (seriously, you are amazing!). Our OPT IIIs are taking final exams while they pass into their second month of seeing patients (we are so proud of how well you have transitioned to being in clinic and class at the same time during COVID-19! Wow!). The OPT IIs are preparing to begin Keystone (we have missed you!). Finally, our soon-to-be OPT Is are eagerly awaiting the start of their optometry school journey (we are so excited to have you here!). Wherever you find yourself today, take a moment to appreciate it for all that it is (exciting, hard, scary, stressful, joyous). You can do this! How do we know? Because you are doing this right now!