Moving Forward Together

The spring semester has taken an extraordinary and unexpected turn. We were starting to see the light at the end of the spring semester tunnel. We were preparing for milestones such as NBEO part I, the EYE banquet, diplopia week, the BSK mock practical, graduation, and white coat. Now we find ourselves learning how to learn, work and stay connected from home while managing feelings and questions about what lies ahead. Current events are affecting not just us but the entire optometry profession, as practices are struggling with difficult decisions related to patient care and office closures. As the university’s response to COVID-19 continues to unfold, know that the college will provide you with the most up-to-date information via e-mail as soon as possible. This special edition of The Snellen Letter will summarize announcements shared with you so far, provide updates for how to access services, and share some tips to maintain good physical and mental health.

If you take nothing else from this edition of The Snellen letter, please know that the entire college is here for you and working hard to figure out how we move forward. We might not be together physically, but we are just an e-mail, Zoom meeting, or phone call away. We know that not knowing what comes next and sitting with unanswered questions can feel difficult and unsettling. Reach out, tell us how you are doing and let us know what you need! We miss seeing your faces and experiencing the days alongside you. You are in good hands – we’ve got you.