To learn more about the services, study spaces, and the Café available at Thompson Library, visit Here are a few highlights:
The Map Room @ Thompson: A little-known room at Thompson is the Map Room, located on the second floor in room 205. Containing about 300,000 map sheets, this is a great room to go to if you need a topographical map, or enjoy a study room with big windows and spacious tables. For more info (and photos) visit
Grand Reading Room @ Thompson: Located on the east end of the second floor, the Grand Reading room overlooks the Oval.11th Floor @ Thompson: On the very top floor of Thompson library you will find beautiful views, rocking chairs, and lots of natural light.Thompson Library Stacks 4-10: Each floor (4-10) has groupings of tables for student use and many of the floors get limited traffic, making them an ideal study spot.
Group study rooms in Thompson Library: You may reserve a group study room in Thompson Library for 3-12 people for a maximum of four hours. To reserve a group study room (at Thompson or other locations on campus) visit