Apply for OneSight by December 15

There is a new clinical service trip in town! With our impressive student involvement in SVOSH, FCO, and RAM trips there is yet another way for Ohio State students to demonstrate their passion for service. OneSight is an international organization parented by Luxottica that organizes numerous eye care clinics around the world each year. The clinics are regularly staffed by Luxottica employed doctors, opticians, and staff members. Luxottica recently began offering this experience to optometry students and this year’s trip will be the third year. If you would like a first-hand account of this experience and the opportunity to provide eye care for nearly 5,000 patients, contact Carolyn Chakuroff or Justin Gillette, who were on the May 2018 trip to Oaxaca, Mexico.

To learn more and apply, visit Applications are due by December 15. The application is free and trip costs are covered by OneSight.

Changes to Magazine Delivery

From now on, mass mailed magazines, with the exception of the college’s BuckEYE Alumni Magazine, will not be delivered to individual student mailboxes. Instead, a small stack will be left on the table in the student mail room for those who are interested. Those not taken after a month will be recycled. If anyone does not feel that enough magazines are available, please let Becca Roby know.

SEIs due December 6

Please remember to complete your Student Evaluation of Instructor by December 6. We ask that these evaluations are done before finals so that you can give feedback on the instructors teaching throughout the semester and not only how it relates to their final exam. This feedback is taken very seriously and helps ensure the quality of our program. Thank you.

OPT IIs and IIIs – Apply for the Sesquicentennial Student Scholar Leadership Program

Dr. Earley (via e-mail) invited OPT II and III students to apply for The Ohio State University Sesquicentennial Scholar Leadership Program. Sesquicentennial Scholars will receive a $2,500 scholarship; participate in high-level leadership training; receive professional development support; and serve as sesquicentennial ambassadors for the university at programs and events. The opportunity to be connected to and build a network within the larger Ohio State community can provide lasting benefits that stretch beyond the program itself. You do not need to have held a formal leadership position or see yourself (today) as a leader to apply.

Learn more and apply at Applications from second- and third-year students will be accepted through February 1, 2019. If you have questions, contact Jen Bennett at

December 5 – Last Day of Fall Semester Classes
December 6 – Reading Day, No Classes
December 7-13 – Final Exams
January 7, 2019 – First Day of Spring Semester Classes
January 11 – OPT 1 White Coat orders due
February 1, 2019 – Deadline to submit FAFSA and the 2019-2020 OSU application for Special University Scholarships

All 2018 NBEO dates are available at and on your My Optometry Carmen page. Please register by the provided deadlines to avoid late registration fees.

Looking for a Student Event Date/Time?
Use the Student Events Google Calendar. If you would like to add an event to this calendar, please contact Cassie Allen (2021) at

Need to Reserve a Room?
Contact Becca Roby at