
G.O.A.L.S. Statement:

For the “global awareness” component of my Honors & Scholars G.O.A.L.S., I plan on taking courses that broaden my understanding of the world. I’m currently taking Spanish, in which I’m learning about nations such as Venezuela and Guatemala, and I’d like to take at least one (and probably several) classics course in the future. These classes will give me important context on how I, as a white American, fit into the world as a whole. This is especially meaningful because the world is more interconnected than ever. I’ll also look into doing a short study abroad. Although the technical aspects of my major (Data Analytics) might make it difficult to find equivalent courses and do a full semester abroad, I would love to spend a month or two outside of the United States.

As a Data Analytics major, there are not as many opportunities for research as there are in fields such as biology or neuroscience. However, I can pursue the goal of original inquiry by taking advanced coursework and learning how to use the most modern tools in my field. An internship would go a long way to teaching me the tools of the trade, so hopefully I get an internship after my sophomore and junior years. I’ll make sure to go to as many job and career fairs as possible this year and every year thereafter in order to reach this goal. 

I chose my major because, in addition to aligning with my interests, I think there will be a large amount of demand for data scientists when I graduate. My one GE course so far (sociology 2367.01H) I chose because I like to learn about a wide variety of subjects, and an introduction to America’s political elite sounded both interesting and very different from calculus and java. I plan on continuing to take a wide range of classes in order to see what I’m interested in. My selections will demonstrate a commitment to excellence because I will choose challenging courses across a wide variety of subjects, encompassing everything from computer science to geography to (possibly) art history.

I play on participating in the Big Data Analytics Association, which will give me connections with other people in my major. Maybe when I am a junior or senior I will be able to take on a leadership role in this club. I would also like to get involved in a service club–while this isn’t related to my academics, it will help provide meaning and context to my college experience. Doing something in Columbus like helping to tutor elementary school children sounds like an amazing experience, so I will look into this in the coming weeks.