Year in Review

My first year as a student has been a exciting roller coaster of a journey! All the way from transitioning to college and meeting new friends to learning how to do all of this with COVID-19 happening. There is a lot that I have learned at Ohio State this year. The biggest thing I was involved with at OSU was being a Mount Scholar. In this program, not only did I meet some of my closest friends, but I also learned so many valuable lessons to leadership. In Mount Scholars, my biggest task was being a Meeting Zest Coordinator for Team Global Legacy Week. Legacy Week is a several month long event in which scholars work with local Columbus agencies to provide help and create a service project from the ground up.


My role as a Meeting Zest Coordinator was to lead 15 other Mount Scholars on my team, which was Team Global. Team Global worked with Columbus agencies that have an impact not only here in Ohio, but all throughout the world. For our service projects, we worked with two agencies. We worked with Community Refugee & Immigration Services (CRIS) as well as with an agency called Missing Maps. For CRIS, we worked to create cards of encouragement to students at local Columbus schools that are from families of immigrants and refugees. These cards were made to spread some positivity during the rough period of time through the COVID-19 pandemic. For Missing Maps, we worked online to map more underdeveloped areas of the world on a software similar to google earth. This works to help out agencies such as the Red Cross in the event of emergencies to provide help faster to these areas. Through leading Team Global for Legacy Week, I was able to learn not only about the impact that I can have on others by helping out, but I also learned how to properly lead a team to success!

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