Update 1

Update 1:

This update is a bit late because creating the code for this project is much greater difficulty then expected. I knew that it would be hard to create but my knowledge in this field of time based motion is so limited. I still want to finish this project, and am starting my capstone paper today, but how i get to my end project will most likely be changed from my original plan to code it all from scratch in Java. I am giving myself a little bit more time to try and create the model from scratch but if that fails, and it is likely given that a I have had to relearn some now that it is summer and that learning a new topic through emails and online methods is very hard.

Therefore if I am unable to create the model from scratch I will be using software / simulation packages already online. I believe that this will be the best way to complete the project as I will still be analyzing local data collected by the city, and with this extra time I can go out and collect data as well. I have already learned alot about how this software would be made but the fact is that creating traffic models from scratch with little knowledge is a very hard thing to complete in only a year.

In my next update I hope to have collected my data, and have a way to use that data in a model whether that is from my own software or from someone else’s. Tomorrow is when I am collecting the data on the intersection of Downtown Dublin. I choose this intersection because it is very busy, is a four way stop light intersection, and has multiple lanes in some directions. Below is a picture of this intersection in question.

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