My Future G.O.A.L.S.

Global Awareness: I plan to cultivate acceptance and appreciation of diversity by studying abroad during my undergraduate years. I also hope to converse more with my peers from different backgrounds, and to learn more about their perspectives.

Original Inquiry: I hope to engage in experiences through required fieldwork and volunteering that allow me to better understand different disabilities. I would love to be involved in surveys analyzing the best teaching methods for differently abled individuals, to better understand how to serve them in the future.

Academic Enrichment: In the future, I will strive to take honors classes as much as possible. I have already pushed myself out of my comfort zone by taking classes in Astronomy and Roman History, and will continue this pattern next semester with Entomology. I intend to broaden my horizons with a large array of topics during my general education classes, and would love to eventually decide upon a minor.

Leadership Development: While in high school I held a variety of leadership positions, such as Vice President of the Nation Honor Society and Vice President of the Future Farmer’s of America. I intend to continue this in my college years by gaining leadership positions in on-campus clubs. I also hope to gain the skills necessary to be a good leader to the students in my future classroom.

Service Engagement: I plan to continue volunteering throughout college, as I have already begun by babysitting through Students Supporting People With Down Syndrome. In the future, I would love to serve my community in various service projects, not only dealing with education, but also with the opiod crisis in our state, which is a cause very near and dear to my heart. I also hope to attend a service trip, possibly through the Ohio Student Education Association.