Module 4: Web-Enhanced Reading and Study Strategies

This week’s module really hit home with me because it was all about improving online reading and study strategies. All of us, together, are encountering online classes that require us to read and understand material found online. For myself, I realized that some of the strategies I in this module I already do in my studying. For example, I tend to create abbreviations for main topics and or details I need to remember for the classes I am taking. These abbreviations are an example of Mnemonics; which are strategies and ways to help improve memory when getting the grasp of material. There are also 8 other types of Mnemonics which include rhyming and singing, these all can be found from the website For example, I use the abbreviation method in my math class. The abbreviation “PEDAL” stands for parentheses, exponents, division/multiplication, addition/subtraction, and left to right. This shows how to solve order of operation math problems. So far, this helpful tool has improved my memory when doing homework. I no longer have to search through my notes to find these steps. I know what “PEDAL” stands for and it speeds up the process overall. Leading to an improved focus level and a decreased amount of time wasted. I hope these Mnemonics can help all of you like they have helped me! Stay strong and Go Bucks!

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