Resolution: Attacking an epidemic

The only resolution is for individuals to acknowledge possible complications of adverse use of smartphones. Smartphones are a technological advancement unlike anything seen before in history. Smartphones have allowed humans to have access to virtually unlimited amounts of information at a moment’s notice. Smartphones have given facebook, twitter and other social media platforms ways for humans to communicate with each other, which are extremely beneficial for people and communities. It’s undeniable that smartphones are extremely useful tools, when individuals don’t let the adverse effects impact their daily lives.
With more research being conducted on the use and effect of smartphones, the conflicting arguments discussed in this paper may become decisive, and the scientific community may very well pinpoint the optimum age to introduce smartphones to children, and recommendations for adolescent and adult usage. For the most part, humans understand that the actions have consequences, so it should go without saying, applying that knowledge to online actions, would lead to a more harmonious online community. The future of smartphones is moving at an incredible rate, social media is ubiquitous and as evolution shows us, we’ll adapt to the change.