Speaker: Shanshan Tu
Title: The Estimation of Prediction Error: Covariance Penalties and Cross-Validation
Reference: The Estimation of Prediction Error: Covariance Penalties and Cross-Validation by Bradley Efron
Speaker: Shanshan Tu
Title: The Estimation of Prediction Error: Covariance Penalties and Cross-Validation
Reference: The Estimation of Prediction Error: Covariance Penalties and Cross-Validation by Bradley Efron
Speaker: Jianhao Zhang
Title: Optimization with Orthogonality Constraints
A feasible method for optimization with orthogonality constraints by Zaiwen Wen and Wotao Yin (2013)
Speaker: Chenxi Zhou
Title: Density Estimation in Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space (RKHS)
Reference: Smoothing Spline Density Estimation: Theory (Gu and Qiu, 1993) and Smoothing Spline Density Estimation: A Dimensionless Automatic Algorithm (Gu, 1993)
Speaker: Jiae Kim
Title: Random Features for Kernel Functions
Speaker: Prateek Sasan
Title: Anchor Regression: heterogenous data meets causality
Reference: Anchor Regression: heterogenous data meets causality
Speaker: John Honaker
Title: Convolutional Neural Networks on Graph Domains
Semi-Supervised Classification with Graph Convolutional Networks
Convolutional Neural Networks on Graphs with Fast Localized Spectral Filtering
Speaker: Abhijoy Saha
Title: An Introduction to Variational Bayesian Inference
Reference: Variational Inference: A Review for Statisticians
Statistical Learning and Data Mining reading group will meet this semester. Regular meetings are scheduled every other Tuesday starting from September 4th from 12:30 to 1:30 pm in Cockins Hall Room 212.
Students may register for course credit by enrolling in STAT 8750.01 – Research Group in Statistical Learning and Data Mining. If you want to be added to the reading group email list, contact Chenxi Zhou at zhou.779@osu.edu.