The Beginning

Welcome to the ENGR 1182 Team Earth official site! All important information regarding the AEV design project is provided here for review. To navigate, please utilize the array of tabs located on top of each page. Any of the “CAPITAL” tabs located near the top of all pages can be clicked on to bring the viewer to a general outline of what that section details. This goes for the Design Process, Media, and Arduino Code tabs as well. If desired, the drop down menus can also be used. For any questions, feel free to visit the Contacts section where questions can be answered via email!

Zach’s Post

The AEV was a great project throughout this semester. Not only did it provide a great learning experience with a fascinating piece of technology. Additionally, it allowed Team Earth to grow together as a team. As the semester went on, we got closer to each other because of how often we were in the lab together working on the AEV. Several laughs were shared throughout the semester in addition to the learning that was going on. This project really opened my eyes to the different possibilities in the engineering world, and overall it was just a fun project that I will be able to look back on. As will the rest of Team Earth.

Abitha’s Post

Today during lab, we worked on the website and coding. We worked on making our website more visually appealing, such as adjusting the colors.

Michael’s Post

The AEV project, as presented by the Ohio State University at Newark Engineering Department, was an exceptional opportunity to work with a team to accomplish a long term goal with many areas of expertise and competence involved. I’d like to thank Professor Padova for his instruction throughout the semester, as we were allowed to explore the endless possibilities opened through an introduction to SolidWorks, a continuation of our work on MATLAB, and the general mastery of these skills in conjunction with the physical parameters and testing through each week of lab. We ended the semester proud of what we were able to accomplish and learn, and the experiences shown through our website will stick with us throughout our education and professional career!

Jacob’s Post

After much deliberation, all team members became fully aware of the pros and cons of each proposed design. Many good points came into consideration! Whether it be prior concerns that were known when conceiving the concepts originally or those which were raised in the multitude of group discussions, a full range of aspects were brought up and analyzed. The AEV project was incredibly useful for providing work  experience in a team environment and, with the majority of the experiment finished, much insight can be gained from looking back at all which was done.