Personal develpoment

Throughout the first semester of college I have developed in many different ways. I think the most developed feature about me has been my growth in my maturity. Like many other people, this is my first time living an extended period without my parents being here with me. I had to learn how to live my life without anyone telling me what to do and spoon feeding me everything. Doing laundry was okay at first but having to do it every week by myself and find time to do it started to get frustrating. Now I have just gotten used to it and learned that I have to do it no matter what. Same goes with food. I don’t have my mom to pack my lunch every day or make dinner for me. I have a meal plan but that doesn’t account for all the food I eat so I have to go out and buy food myself and make sure I am not using too much money. If I am studying at home my mom will know to make me food and tell me to take a break and eat something. In college that was a strange adjustment. I would go hours on hours studying forgetting to eat food and I had to adjust to taking care of myself. Also, not having teachers assign all the work needed to do well in my classes was a very weird adjustment. I had to learn that in college I am really independent, and I have to grow and take control of the things I do in my life in order to succeed.

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