
Web- Enhanced Reading and Learning Strategies

Greetings Student Audience,

In today’s post, we will be discussing the tools and topics listed in Module 4 that will enhance our online reading and learning strategies. Module 4 gives readers tips and guidelines to developing exceptional engagement strategies for online learning. The reading stated that when students are engaging in online reading, students should practice these tips to do well. Tips including highlighting important information, summarizing key ideas, quizzing yourself to test your own comprehension of text and reinforce important content and finally t create and write mnemonic devices. Mnemonic devices are tools used to help the individual remember and retrieve specific information. Module 4’s reading also provided example strategies like the SQ3R which is a reading and note taking strategy requiring users to Skim the reading to see main points of reading, Ask questions about the reading, Read, to answer questions previously written, Recite reading by putting details into your own words and the final task which is to review the reading to make sure details and concepts are being fully understood in the manner they were written to be understood. Finally, Module 4 provides tools and devices for students to use to create visual displays of reading and learning strategies. Tools such as timeline and Info graphic provide resources and tools to use for creators to design displays of learned concepts. In this Blog Post, BuildYourBrand Inc. encourages readers to use reading and note taking strategies to improve reading and note taking abilities. By practicing strategies you can improve your abilities in reading and learning and become a powerful tool of learning

Until Next Time

#BuildYourBrand Inc.