Proceedings and Book Chapters
- Linne, B. L., & Simons, C. T. (2021). Integration of taste, smell and chemesthesis: Clinical implications. In P. Joseph & V. Duffy (Eds.), Sensory science and chronic diseases: Clinical implications and disease management. Springer Nature.
- Carstens, E., & Simons, C. T. (2020). Oral chemesthesis and taste. In W. Meyerhof (Ed.), The senses: A comprehensive reference (2nd ed., Vol. III). Elsevier.
- Ralston, R. A., Mackey, A. D., Simons, C. T., & Schwartz, S. J. (2018). Introduction to functional foods. In N. Bordenave & M. G. Ferruzzi (Eds.), Functional foods and beverages: In vitro assessment of nutritional, sensory and safety properties. Wiley-Blackwell.
- Simons, C. T. (2016). Chemesthesis: Tingling and numbing. In S. T. McDonald, D. Bolliet, & J. Hayes (Eds.), Chemesthesis: The sensations of eating – Hot, cold, tingling, numbing – and how to use them in food. Wiley-Blackwell.
- Cometto-Muñiz, J. E., & Simons, C. T. (2015). Trigeminal chemesthesis. In R. Doty (Ed.), Handbook of olfaction and gustation (3rd ed). John Wiley & Sons.
Peer Reviewed Manuscripts
*denotes undergraduate co-authors
- Man, K., Patterson, J. A., & Simons, C. T. (in press). “That looks like my kitchen!” – Personalized context by usage frequency and familiarity influences consumer perception and liking of chicken nuggets in VR. Food Research International.
- Mok, J. H., Pyatkovskyy, T., Heskitt, B., Soldavini, A. M., Simons, C. T., Yousef, A., & Sastry, S. (2024). Process as you go: Feedback control of food quality during storage via multiple, minimal in-situ processing treatments. Journal of Food Engineering, 381, 112167.
- Gonzalez-Orozco, B. D., McGovern, C., Barringer, S., Simons, C. T., Jimenez-Flores, R., & Alvarez, V. (in press). Development of probiotic yogurt products incorporated with Lactobacillus kefiranofaciens OSU-BSGOA1 in mono- and co-culture with Kluyveromyces marxianus. Journal of Dairy Science.
- Ricci, S., Kim, M. S., & Simons, C. T. (2024). The impact of temperature and a chemesthetic cooling agent on lingual roughness sensitivity. Chemical Senses, 49, bjae013.
- Long, J. W., Masters, B., Sajadi, P., Simons, C. T., & Masterson, T. D. (2023). The development of an immersive mixed-reality application to improve the ecological validity of eating and sensory behavior research. Frontiers in Nutrition, Section Nutrition Methodology, 10, 1-17.
- Soldavini, A. M., Diaz, H., Ennis, J. M., & Simons, C. T. (2023). Understanding the effects of smart-speaker based surveys on panelist experience in immersive consumer testing. Foods, 2(13), e2537.
- Linne, B. M., Tello, E., Simons, C. T., & Peterson, D. G. (2023). Characterization of the impact of chlorogenic acids on tactile perception in coffee through an inverse effect on mouthcoating sensation. Food Research International, 172, e113167.
- Man, K., Patterson, J. A., & Simons, C. T. (2023). The impact of personally relevant consumption contexts during product evaluations in virtual reality. Food Quality and Preference, 109, e104912.
- Badiger, A., Katz, T., Simons, C. T., & Roe, B. E. (2023). When considering whether to waste food, consumers focus attention on food label dates rather than phrases. Waste Management, 168, 230-234.
- Miao, J., & Simons, C. T. (2023). The effects of gamification on engagement and response accuracy in discriminatory sensory testing. Food Quality and Preference, 109, e104903.
- Hannum, M. E., & Simons, C. T. (2022). Capturing high and low levels of participant engagement in sensory and consumer evaluations via a known groups design and an implicit correlate. Food Research International, 161, e111786.
- Lin, H., Tello, E., Simons, C. T., & Peterson, D. G. (2022). Identification of subthreshold chlorogenic acid lactones that contribute to flavor instability of ready-to-drink coffee. Food Chemistry, 395, e133555.
- *Miles, B. L., Berkowitz, K., Mueller, H., & Simons, C. T. (2022). Assessing tactile acuity in oral tissues: Challenges of stimulus development. Food Quality and Preference, 101, e104630.
- Man, K., Simons, C. T., Mohamed-Osman, A., Travers, S. P., & Zhao, K. (2022). Chemosensory losses in past and active likely Delta variant break-through COVID-19 cases. Med, 3, 1-2.
- Lin, H., Tello, E., Simons, C. T., & Peterson, D. G. (2022). Identification of non-volatile compounds generated during storage that impact flavor stability of ready-to-drink coffee. Molecules, 27(7), e2120.
- Cong, W., Tello, E., Simons, C. T., & Peterson, D. G. (2022). Identification of non-volatile compounds that impact flavor disliking of whole wheat bread made with aged flours. Molecules, 27(4), e1331.
- *Cotter, M. T., Whitecotton, M., Peterson, D. G., & Simons, C. T. (2022). The impact of applied labeling context on consumer acceptance of differently valenced products. Food Quality and Preference, 97, e104491.
- Miles, B. L., Wu, Z., Kennedy, K. S., Zhao, K., & Simons, C. T. (2022). Elucidation of a lingual detection mechanism for high-viscosity solutions in humans. Food & Function, 13(1), 64-75.
- Cotter, M. T., Peterson, D. G., & Simons, C. T. (2022). The impact of multi-session testing on panelist engagement measured by the Engagement Questionnaire (EQ). Food Quality and Preference, 96, e104412.
- Bogdanov, V., Reinhard, J., McGlone, F., Haehner, A., Simons, C. T., & Hummel, T. (2021). Oral somatosensory sensitivity in patients with taste disturbance. The Laryngoscope, 131(11), 2572-2577.
- Cong, W., Schwartz, E., Tello, E., Simons, C. T., & Peterson, D. G. (2021). Identification of non-volatile compounds that negatively impact whole wheat bread flavor liking. Food Chemistry, 364, e130362.
- *Hannum, M. E., Fryer, J. A., & Simons, C. T. (2021). Non-food odors and the duality of smell: Impact of odorant delivery pathway and labeling convention on olfactory perception. Physiology & Behavior, 238, e113480.
- Albiol Tapia, M., Baik, H. Y., Simons, C. T., & Lee, S. Y. (2021). Context effect of environmental setting and product information in consumer testing of beverage products. Journal of Food Science, 86(6), 2640-2654.
- Braun, A., Simons, C., Kilbarger, J., Hill, E. B., Xu, M., Cleary, D., & Spees, C. K. (2021). Sensory perceptions of survivors of cancer and their caregivers upon blinded evaluation of produce from two different sources. Supportive Care in Cancer, e1-e11.
- Hannum, M. E., Forzley, S., Popper, R., & Simons, C. T. (2021). Application of the Engagement Questionnaire (EQ) to compare methodological differences in sensory and consumer testing. Food Research International, 140, e110083.
- Berry, D. N., & Simons, C. T. (2020). Do Caucasian American and South Asian Indian cultural groups differ in sensitivity to capsaicin? A study designed to control for chili pepper affinity. Journal of Food Science, 85(9), 2896-2901.
- *Miles, B. L., Ang, S. L., & Simons, C. T. (2020). Development of a “pure-tactile” assessment of edge discrimination in the hands and oral cavity. Physiology & Behavior, 224, e113035.
- Berry, D. N., & Simons, C. T. (2020). Assessing regional sensitivity and desensitization to capsaicin among oral cavity mucosae. Chemical Senses, 45(6), 457-466.
- Hannum, M. E., Forzley, S., Popper, R., & Simons, C. T. (2020). Further validation of the Engagement Questionnaire (EQ): Do immersive technologies actually increase consumer engagement during wine evaluations? Food Quality and Preference, 85, e103966.
- Hannum, M. E., & Simons, C. T. (2020). Development of the Engagement Questionnaire (EQ): A tool to measure panelist engagement during sensory and consumer evaluations. Food Quality and Preference, 81, e103840.
- Paravisini, L., Soldavini, A., Peterson, J., Simons, C. T., & Peterson, D. G. (2019). Impact of bitter tastant sub-qualities on retronasal coffee aroma perception. PLoS ONE, 14(10), e0223280.
- Guttman, G. A., Soldavini, A. M., & Simons, C. T. (2020). Ethanol thresholds in water and beer. Journal of Sensory Studies, 35(1), e12544.
- Hannum, M., Forzley, S., Popper, R., & Simons, C. T. (2019). Does environment matter? Assessments of wine in traditional booths compared to an immersive and actual wine bar. Food Quality and Preference, 76, 100-108.
- Simons, C. T., Klein, A. M., & Carstens, E. (2019). Chemogenic subqualities of mouthfeel. Chemical Senses, 44(5), 281-288.
- Simons, C. T. (2019). Left out in the cold: Serving wines chilled. Temperature, 6, 1-3.
- *Liu, R., Hannum, M., & Simons, C. T. (2019). Using immersive technologies to explore the effects of congruent and incongruent contextual cues on context recall, product evaluation time, and preference and liking during consumer hedonic testing. Food Research International, 117, 19-29.
- *Miles, B. L., Van Simaeys, K., Whitecotton, M., & Simons, C. T. (2018). Comparative tactile sensitivity of the fingertip and apical tongue using complex and pure tactile tasks. Physiology & Behavior, 194, 517-521.
- *Hannum, M., Stegman, M. A., Fryer, J. A., & Simons, C. T. (2018). Different olfactory percepts evoked by orthonasal and retronasal odorant delivery. Chemical Senses, 43(7), 515-521.
- Hagan, L. L., Johnson, P. T., Obodai, M., Blay, A. M. Y., Simons, C. T., & Dzomeku, M. (2018). Sensory attributes of three edible tropical mushrooms and their use in formulating food products for children 2-5 years old. International Journal of Nutrition and Food Sciences, 7(3), 100-109.
- Hooker, N., Simons, C. T., & Parasidis, E. (2018). “Natural” food claims: Industry practices, consumer expectations, and class action lawsuits. Food and Drug Law Journal, 73, 319-337.
- Vasquez-Orejarena, E., Simons, C. T., Litchfield, J. H., & Alvarez, V. B. (2018). Functional properties of oat-β-glucan in a high protein formulation beverage. Journal of Food Science, 83(5), 1360-1365.
- Pierce, A. M., & Simons, C. T. (2018). Olfactory adaptation is dependent on route of delivery. Chemical Senses, 43(3), 197-203.
- Roe, B. E., Phinney, D. M., Simons, C. T., Badiger, A. S., Bender, K. E., & Heldman, D. R. (2017). Discard intentions are lower for milk presented in containers without date labels. Food Quality and Preference, 66, 13-18.
- Bangcuyo, R. G., & Simons, C. T. (2017). Lingual tactile sensitivity: Effect of age-group, sex, and fungiform papillae density. Experimental Brain Research, 235(9), 2679-2688.
- Linne, B., & Simons, C. T. (2017). Quantification of oral roughness perception and comparison with mechanism of astringency perception. Chemical Senses, 42(7), 525-535.
- Cotten, B. M., Diamond, S. A., Banh, T., Hsiao, Y., Cole, R. M., Li, J., Simons, C. T., Bruno, R. S., Belury, M. A., & Vodovotz, Y. (2017). Raspberry ketone fails to reduce adiposity beyond decreasing food intake in C57BL/6 mice fed a high-fat diet. Food & Function, 8(4), 1512–1518.
- Liu, R., Hooker, N. H., Parasidis, E., & Simons, C. T. (2017). A natural experiment: Using immersive technologies to study the impact of “all-natural” labeling on perceived food quality, nutritional content, and liking. Journal of Food Science, 82(3), 825–833.
- Hathaway, D., & Simons, C. T. (2017). The impact of multiple immersion levels on data quality and panelist engagement for the evaluation of cookies under a preparation-based scenario. Food Quality and Preference, 57, 114–125.
- Tsourides, K., Shariat, S., Nejati, H., Gandhi, T. K., Cardinaux, A., Simons, C. T., Cheung, N., Pavlovic, V., & Sinha, P. (2016). Neural correlates of the food/non-food visual distinction. Biological Psychology, 115, 35–42.
- Weiss, W. P., Simons, C. T., & Ekmay, R. D. (2015). Effects of feeding diets based on transgenic soybean meal and soybean hulls to dairy cows on production measures and sensory quality of milk. Journal of Dairy Science, 98(12), 8986–8993.
- Parasidis, E., Hooker, N., & Simons, C. T. (2015b). Addressing consumer confusion surrounding “natural” food claims. American Journal of Law & Medicine, 41(2–3), 357–373.
- Parasidis, E., Hooker, N., & Simons, C. T. (2015). Addressing consumer confusion surrounding “natural” food claims. American Journal of Law & Medicine, 41(2–3), 357–373.
- *Bangcuyo, R. G., Smith, K. J., Zumach, J. L., Pierce, A. M., Guttman, G. A., & Simons, C. T. (2015). The use of immersive technologies to improve consumer testing: The role of ecological validity, context, and engagement in evaluating coffee. Food Quality and Preference, 41, 84–95.
- Song, H. S., Jin, H. J., Ahn, S. R., Kim, D., Lee, S. H., Kim, U., Simons, C. T., Hong, S., & Park, T. H. (2014). Bioelectronic tongue using heterodimeric human taste receptor for the discrimination of sweeteners with human-like performance. ACS Nano, 8(10), 9781–9789.
- Boucher, Y., Simons, C. T., Carstens, M. I., & Carstens, E. (2014). Effects of gustatory nerve transection and/or ovariectomy on oral capsaicin avoidance in rats. Pain, 155(4), 814–820.