The Ohio State University: College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences

Awards & Recognition

2023 Accomplishments

  • Allison passed her Master’s Defense!
  • Sam passed his Candidacy Exam!
  • Kevin passed his Candidacy Exam!
  • Kym passed her PhD Defense!

2022 Accomplishments

  • Audrey passed her Master’s Defense!
  • Kym won the award for Outstanding Presentation that Develops or Expands a Method at the 2022 Society for Sensory Professionals Conference
  • Audrey won the award for Outstanding Presentation on Use of Scientific Principles at the 2022 Society for Sensory Professionals Conference


  • Ashley passed her Master’s Defense!
  • Brianne passed her PhD Defense!
  • Brittany passed her PhD Defense!
  • Dr. Simons was selected to participate in the 2021-2022 STARS cohort (Strategic Alignment for Research Success)
  • Maria passed her PhD defense!
  • Kym won the Sensory and Consumer Science Division Oral Presentation Competition at IFT!
  • Jessica passed her MS defense!
  • Amy passed her PhD defense!
  • Gabe passed his MS defense!
  • Dr. Simons received the 2021 Rodney F. Plimpton Outstanding Teacher Award!
  • Brittany was awarded the NACTA Graduate Student Teaching Award, and we are so proud of her!



  • Kym passed candidacy!
  • Brittany was awarded the Jean F. Caul Award for Outstanding presentation on the Use of Scientific Principles at the conference for Society of Sensory Professionals
  • Amy and Maria were 2 of 6 finalists in the 2020 Rose Marie Pangborn oral competition hosted by the Consumer and Sensory Science division of IFT. Maria placed first in the competition!
  • Kym passed her proposal defense!
  • Kenzi was awarded Outstanding TA of 2019-2020!
  • Laura successfully defended her thesis and is now a M.S.!
  • Danica successfully defended her thesis and is now a M.S.!
  • Kenzi successfully defended her dissertation and is now a Ph.D.!
  • Brianne passed her candidacy exams!
  • Kenzi, Danica, Brianne, Maria, and Amy presented at the OVIFT research forum. Amy and Maria were awarded as finalists.
  • Maria, Amy, Brittany, and Danica presented in the Edward F. Hayes Graduate Research Forum. Maria won 2nd place for her poster, Brittany won 1st place for her oral presentation, and Danica received Honorable Mention for her poster!
  • Amy passed her candidacy exams!


  • Maria passed her candidacy exams!
  • Maria passed her research proposal defense!
  • Amy passed her research proposal defense!
  • Brianne was awarded the Roy Teranishi Graduate Fellowship in Food Chemistry by the Agriculture and Food Chemistry Division of ACS!
  • Brittany was awarded a Pangborn Early Career Bursary!
  • Kenzi was awarded both the IFT Consumer and Sensory Science Division PhD scholarship and was selected as an Ohio State University Sesquicentennial Student Scholar!!!
  • Brianne was award the William Jaggard Scholarship from the Society of Flavor Chemistry and will be presenting her work at the SFC midwest meeting.
  • Amy has been elected as IFTSA’s VP of Competitions for the 2019-2020 term.
  • Kenzi passed her candidacy exams!
  • Amy and Kenzi were awarded graduate scholarships from OVIFT for the essays they wrote.
  • Morgan received first place in the undergraduate portion of the spring OVIFT forum!
  • Jenna was a finalist in the undergraduate portion of the spring OVIFT forum!
  • Gabe, Jenna, Morgan, Jess, and Robin presented their research at the spring OVIFT forum.
  • Gabe, Jenna, Morgan, Jess, Robin, and Kevin all participated in the CFAES Undergraduate Research Symposium
  • Morgan won 1st place in the CFAES Undergraduate Research Symposium (Food Science Division)
  • Jess won 3rd place in the CFAES Undergraduate Research Symposium (Food Science Division)
  • Dr. Simons participated in a meeting with Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic and CFAES Dean Cathann A. Kress which included a tour of the Parker Food Science and Technology Building
  • Kenzi presented a webinar title “GMO or GM-No? A Different Kind of Conversation” that was hosted by Citation Needed
  • Kevin was awarded a CFAES (College of Food, Agriculture, and Environmental Sciences) Distinguished Senior Award!
  • Amy is the new FoodS.U.R.E. coordinator alongside Brittany


  • Kenzi was the recipient of the Elaine Skinner Student Award for Outstanding Presentation on an Applied Topic at the SSP (Society of Sensory Professionals) 2018 conference!
  • Amy and her Mars product development team won 1st place at IFT this summer!
  • Dr. Simons was awarded the NACTA (North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture) Educator Award!
  • Kenzi received the IFT sensory and consumer sciences division silver celebration PhD scholarship!
  • Kenzi was a finalist in the graduate division at the 2018 OVIFT Food Science Spring Research Forum. Karli and Morgan were finalists in the undergraduate division.
  • Kenzi placed 1st in the Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences Division at the Edward F. Hayes Graduate Research Forum!
  • Karli won 1st place in the Food Science Division at the CFAES Undergraduate Symposium!