Artifact one

Student safety demonstration


After the tragic events that occurred in Florida, a group of my peers and myself saw the need for something to be said about the safety of students alll across the country and so we planned and organized a “walk out” at my school.  We expressed our passions to faculty and other students. We set all of the details together; made signs, contacted our local news to get coverage and informed students of the importance of the event.

This is something that I take a lot of pride in because I really stepped out of my comfort zone and stepped into a leadership position. I did’t just think of what to do, I actually put my thoughts into action and it turned out really well. I learned that it doesn’t matter how old a person is, or how much experience they have, they can still make a lot of change and have their voices heard. I also learned that though I am more reserved and quiet, I take initiative where I truly see necessary and I give it my all.


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