Module 3: Efficiency in the Digital Age


The most useful thing I have learned in Module 3 is ideas for time management. Some ideas that they mentioned was to keep track of your time. I have already started doing this by creating an excel sheet and keeping track of my activities and tasks in thirty-minute increments. It has been helpful for recognizing when I am spending too much time just hanging out and when I need to start studying and working on school more. Because of this module, I also plan to start using a planner that I will carry around with me. I also plan on using Google calendar to input my homework and other activities I have each week. I think by doing these three things I will become more aware of how I am spending my hours throughout each day. I think it will also remind me of what assignments I have coming up and which areas I should be focusing more of my time.

If I could provide any advice to other students that also struggle with time management it would be to definitely consider these three things I have mentioned. I think keeping track of your time will be very beneficial if you are someone who procrastinates or starts assignments too late. I think having a planner or using Google calendar serves as a great reminder of the tasks you need to do and when they are due.

Module 2: Online Learning Strategies and Skills


I learned several things in module 2 that I would like to discuss. One specific thing I found very important in this module was about group communication. As mentioned in the slides, group communication is something that you will have to deal will now and even after graduation. It is important to become great at communicating within groups as it is something you will have to do basically forever in your career and just in life in general. I found that the Group Communication in Lesson: Module 2 was very informative for this. The video that discussed how to deal with lazy group members was very helpful and provided great tips.

It can sometimes be frustrating to collaborate with a group especially if you can not meet in person to discuss the issues. It can also be hard when dealing with potentially lazy team members. It is important to learn how to deal with these issues. I think the best way to tackle these issues is by trying to be on the same page as everyone. Establish clear written rules and expectations of each group member so everyone is accountable for themselves. It is also important to be open to team members suggestions and be willing to adapt to many different circumstances that may arise. I believe if you do all of these things that I mentioned then you are on a path to success when it comes to group communication.