There will be two great events from our Ohio State Sigma Xi chapter on Wednesday. April 3:
First, at 5:30pm on April 3 we will have a general members meeting in room 352 of the Research Commons on the third floor of the 18th Avenue Library (175 W 18th Ave, Columbus, OH 43210). Please plan on attending to talk the chapter leadership about goals for the chapter, learn about our activities and see about ways you can be more involved in the chapter. There will be cookies provided!
Second, at 6:30 pm (after the general meeting) one of our own Sigma Xi members will present the Science Café lecture in the Research Commons. Professor McKee got his BA degree from Miami University and his MA and PhD from Washington University (St. Louis). He then spent a decade teaching at the University of the Witwatersrand Medical School (Johannesburg,South Africa) and leading excavations at the early hominin fossil sites of Taung and Makapansgat. He returned to Ohio State’s Department of Anthropology in 1996, conducting research on paleoecology, modeling of evolutionary processes, and contemporary biodiversity and demography. Dr. McKee will present on “Surviving South African Apartheid”. His presentation is an anthropological look at apartheid, told through personal experience.
Please plan on attending these two great events!