This is a short reminder of two presentations this week that are of interest to our Ohio State Sigma Xi membership:
1) Our next Science Cafe presentation will be “Science and Wikipedia: What You Didn’t Know” by Jonathan McMahon, President, of OSU Wikipedia Connection. The presentation will be on February 7th at 6:30pm at the Research Commons (18th Avenue Library, 175 W 18th Ave, Columbus, OH 43210). More information is available here:
2) Sigma Xi supports the COSI After Dark program by providing speakers from our membership for their events. On February 8th from 6pm to 10pm there will be a COSI After Dark with a theme of the COSI Olympics. During this session Noah Weisleder will present a short talk on “Bigger, Faster, Stronger: Changes in optimal performance in Olympian over the years”. More information is available here:
If you are interested in serving as a speaker in future COSI After Dark events please contact Kelly Crowe (Kelly.Crowe@