Suds and Science events are where a host research group of Sigma Xi members present their research and guide a tour of their facilities. The tour group and host laboratory then adjourn to a campus pub for further discussions. These events provide an excellent opportunity to learn more about key research groups on campus and establish interdisciplinary collaborations.
The next Suds and Science event will be hosted by Dr. Mark Peeples on October 12, 4-5pm, at The Research Institute at Nationwide Children’s Hospital (WA4103, 4th floor of Research Building 2). Parking is available in Lot W19, across from Research Building 3 (west side of Parsons Ave). All are welcome to attend. Please RSVP to Kelly Crowe (kelly.crowe@
Dr. Mark Peeples is Principal Investigator for the Center for Vaccines and Immunity at The Research Institute at Nationwide Children’s Hospital and Professor of Pediatrics, The Ohio State University College of Medicine. Dr. Peeples is a past president of both the Ohio State Chapter of Sigma Xi and of the national organization and a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. The Peeples’ Lab studies RSV, a virus that sends 2% of all infants to the hospital gasping for air. The lab isolates progenitor cells from human donor airway epithelium and differentiates them in vitro at an ‘Air-Liquid Interface’. Some cells display beating cilia, others crank out the mucus. They discovered that RSV only infects the ciliated cells, and recently identified the RSV receptor on the cilia. Maybe that’s why the ciliated cells are targeted! Come learn more about this fascinating research (and see live, beating cilia!), and then join Sigma Xi researchers from a variety of disciplines at the Crest Gastropub for further discussion.
Click here to see this Suds n Science Poster