My first year of college started sooner than most students. I moved in early to participate in the Ohio State Welcome Leader (OWL) program. This was a great way for me to meet other people in my Residence Hall, and make move in day easier for the thousands of students coming back to campus.
I started getting involved in community service early through Community Commitment! After being shuttled to a community garden, I harvested some vegetables and put a fresh coat of paint on the fence. This was a great way for me to get connected to just one of many service organizations around Columbus that I have the opportunity to work with.
I had lots of interesting classes first semester, including my first year writing course, Human Biology in Cinema, Photography 1, Drawing 1, Digital Imaging, and orchestra. Evaluating the biological aspects of a movie in Human Biology in Cinema and determining whether or not it is scientifically accurate has taught me how to apply my class knowledge to real work situations.
In terms of art, I am typically a 3D artist, so the classes I was in first semester were outside of my comfort zone. In the beginning, I was hesitant to start a new project and found myself feeling overwhelmed. I had to learn how to trust myself and my skills. I am a good artist, I just need to try new things, ask questions, and put in the hard work. To the right is my favorite piece I made first semester, titled Face Swap.
I ended up finishing the semester with a 4.0 GPA and made it on the Dean’s List. I was able to get into the groove of college my first semester, but was still looking to get more involved in extracurriculars, so I decided to apply to the Spring Semester of Service, and ended up being accepted!
As part of the Mental Health Awareness Semester of Service cohort, we met biweekly to discuss various mental health topics. I learned about how the university responds to crisis situations, and about how I can do my part to recognize and help people who are struggling with their mental health. Another aspect of this program was volunteering at a local organization. I was paired with Star House, which is a homeless youth drop in center. As an organization with many resources, it was my job to organize the resources they offer in a way that would be most beneficial for the youth. Throughout the semester, I compiled all resources they offer, and created a visually appealing way to understand when the resources were available, and what they offered. Semester of Service was an incredible opportunity to learn more about a topic I am passionate about, as well as connecting with Honors and Scholars staff members.
I also joined Broomball, an intramural sport similar to hockey, but with a bigger ball and no ice skates. Our team is called Broom Goes the Dynamite, and playing has been a great way to build relationships with other OSU students, and maintain my personal wellness. I played softball and soccer in high school, so it was nice to get back into something I am passionate about.
I also added a Psychology major to my Art major second semester, and took 2 honors psychology classes. I had to write a 10 page paper about different topics in psychology, which built my knowledge of literature databases, and summarizing research articles. In addition to classwork, I got more involved in the psychology department by being a subject in various research projects, Through these experiences, I have learned more about research methods, and what sorts of research projects OSU faculty are interested in.
I learned a lot about myself my first year of college. I think I limited myself first semester, and applying for Semester of Service and joining a Broomball team was a big step towards understanding what my capabilities are. Not only am I a great student, but I also have many talents that allow me to succeed in many different environments, which has inspired me to give everything my best and try things I may think I am unqualified for, because I am able to do great things if I believe in myself.