The Ohio State University
Project Nicaragua Member

Project Nicaragua Member

This past year I got involved with Project Nicaragua here on Ohio State’s campus. In high school I travelled to Nicaragua several times on various volunteer trips, so finding a group here in Columbus with similar goals felt like finding…

Food Waste Case Report

This past semester I took a class entitled “Climate Change and Human Health.” As one of the core classes for my jar I found this class stimulating and very relevant. For our end of the year project we were to…



This past semester has brought many new challenges for me both mentally and physically as I have experienced more stress and pressure than I’ve ever had to deal with in my life before. This amount of stress was starting to…

Global Gifts Volunteer

Global Gifts Volunteer

This past semester I became a volunteer at the Global Gifts Fair Trade Store that is located on High Street. As a volunteer within the store I am responsible for the cash registers and for arranging displays when I am…

Cultural Anthropology 1101

Cultural Anthropology 1101

This semester was my first time taking any sort of class that wasn’t jut a writing GE and I chose to take Cultural Anthropology 1101. In this class I have learned an incredible amount about the world around me and…

Humans of New York

Humans of New York

One event that I have been to this semester that really affected my world view was the Brandon Stanton speaking even that I attended. Listening to Brandon talk about how he turned something he loves to do into a career…

Volunteers Around the World

Volunteers Around the World

Volunteer Around the World is an organization that I’ve joined this year that has become extremely meaningful to me. With this organization I will be traveling to the Dominican Republic in the month of May. I chose this artifact because…