Humans of New York

humans of new york

One event that I have been to this semester that really affected my world view was the Brandon Stanton speaking even that I attended. Listening to Brandon talk about how he turned something he loves to do into a career that changed the lives of those around him for the better really changed my perspective on what a career is. I had always thought that maybe you did;t have to love your career, but just get by. Listening to his speech made me re-think that as he talked about how his goals changed over the years and how he didn’t always know what he wanted to do. He was extremely supportive of young people exploring all of their options in life and trying new things, something that I’ve been inspired to do because of him. I joined several new clubs on campus and found that I have a real like for creative story writing. His speech helped me find a new creative outlet that has had a very positive effect on my life and that is why I chose it as one of my artifacts for this year.