Cultural Anthropology 1101

cultural Anthropology

This semester was my first time taking any sort of class that wasn’t jut a writing GE and I chose to take Cultural Anthropology 1101. In this class I have learned an incredible amount about the world around me and the preconceived notions we all carry around every day, myself included. I learned how I have let my culture effect the way that I perceive others and how I have let this color my travels. Instead of looking at cultures impartially I’ve been looking at them through a lens of my own culture which is extremely unfair and something I am not working on correcting. This class has taught me a lot about cultural relativity and through the text book I have learned a lot about the problems that face various communities every day. This class has made me realize how ignorant I can be about world events and as a result has inspired me to start reading the news and keeping up with the rest of the world, which is why I chose to include it as one of my artifacts this year.