Mash-Up: Process


Some research I did for the Mash-Up word project included a tutorial I found on how to draw a neon sign in procreate. Which was very helpful because it shows me all the exact steps to use in the app.

I searched up some images of chocolate cake to get some inspiration for one of the letters.

Then I also searched up some chocolate desserts to get inspiration for certain things I could draw. I used pictures of a snickers bar and a terror rocher and dragged them into procreate to draw and use as a reference.












The first exercise I did for this project was an activity we did in class. Zach would show us a slideshow that contained different word challenges. We were challenged to either figure out what two words were used to create a certain mash-up word or we were supposed to provide what two words we thought made up a mash-up. Then we counted points for all the answers we got correct and were given “design dollars” as incentives. Another exercise I did included listing out different adjectives and nouns and then using them to create unique mash-up words that followed some of the rules explained to us in the previous exercise.








From my multitude of different mash-up words I chose one that I felt worked very well. I then began to create multiple iterations of the word. Starting with a simple isometric drawing of the word I chose helped me visualize the letters, and understand how to format them. Next, underneath the initial sketch I began brainstorming some more finalized desserts I wanted to use for my composition.

Then once I had a majority of the letters planned out, I began drawing the final composition into a new page in ProCreate. I worked on making this piece neater, and I focused on details. Once I got the base of it done, I just continued making adjustments and edits to the composition.








For the production of my final composition I started off with a very general idea of what I wanted. I needed to be able to see what it looked like on paper instead of in my head, since I was having difficulty visualizing it. I used some isometric grid to sketch a basic line-work so I could get understand how the forms would work. Then I began adding some definition into the letters and coming up with ideas on what specific desserts I wanted for each letter.

Then I created a newer file for a fresh start because the previous was simply a brainstorm. The newer file would be my final composition and my previous file would be a reference for ideas.

Here I am following a tutorial on how to draw a neon sign in procreate.

Then I distorted it so it would be isometric and put it in perspective.


After that, I began focusing on drawing & shading in the letters. I worked on understanding the perspective and the direction of the lighting. Initially, I messed up the shading on the pocket stick, but I eventually fix it.

Here I added the background color and more details in each of the elements.
I began working on drawing the letter ‘F’. I used reference images of a snickers bar to accurately portray the candy. Using isometric, I drew a base for myself to follow.
Finalized snickers bar drawing. I made sure to add the yellow-ish tinge of lighting from the neon sign.

Finalized composition of the letter ‘F’.

Final Composition

The final composition complete with a background texture.
Mash-up word definition.





Link to my Portfolio Page
