Shape Grammar: Process


Some research I did for my Shape Grammar included some notes learning about how to make an equilateral triangle, a perfect circle, and a square. I also learned about different geometric compositions and what they are made up of. I also started learning about the difference between geometric and curvilinear shapes and what makes certain ones static or dynamic. This all helped guide me on what to do for my first exercise.


An exercise I did to prepare for the final project was making shapes from shapes. I applied all the previous research and cut out shapes from Bristol and then arranged them on some tracing paper and created new shapes from them. Then once I had one curvilinear and one geometric shape I cut them out of some black card stock along with a line and a dot for each composition. Then I positioned them all on some 8×8 pieces of Bristol. In total I made four compositions: one dynamic curvilinear, one static curvilinear, one dynamic geometric, and one static geometric.

Compositions I created on the tracing paper from the cut out shapes
Here I am tracing out the finalized shapes from the tracing paper to some Bristol
Cutting out the shapes from the Bristol paper so I can trace them on the black card stock and arrange the final pieces on 8×8 Bristol sheets
The black card stock I used to cut out multiple pieces of the finalized shapes along with my work surface and set up

Final Physical Compositions

The final composition of the dynamic curvilinear shape
The final composition of the static curvilinear shape
The final composition of the dynamic geometric shape
The final composition of the static geometric shape

Final Digital Compositions

The digitized version of the dynamic curvilinear
The digitized version of the static curvilinear
The digitized version of the dynamic geometric


The digitized version of the static geometric


Here are some examples of iterations I created in Adobe Illustrator. Initially I was still in the mindset of creating only a single shape floating in space, however I slowly realized that I was now creating shapes from not only the positive space but the negative space as well.

My first iteration of a shape using only circles and squares. I created a single shape because I hadn’t realized the purpose of the project yet.
Here I am in the same mindset as before, this was simply a different iteration of the shapes.
In this iteration I chose to use only circles and triangles, I created the square in the middle from aligning the bottoms of four triangles together. Here I was experimenting with different shapes however I still wasn’t in the correct mindset.

Using a New Method

Here I have decided to stick to using only circles and squares. I have learned to use the whole composition and to fill in the colors of the shapes. I am finally using the whole space but I am only focusing on the positive shapes and ignoring the negative space.

I have started realizing that I need to focus on the negative space and have created some shapes in the background, however I was too focused on creating a story, an image. When I needed to convey a feeling from the shapes.

I decided to completely throw out my old idea and start fresh on a new composition with my new knowledge on the project. I created inverse compositions of each iteration so I could see if I could find shapes from the negative space. I worked more on trying to create squares in the negative space from the squares and circles of the positive space.

Concept Statement

I focused on creating a composition of shapes that would interact with each other to convey the feeling of stability and the principle of balance by utilizing the negative and positive space of the shapes.


For the production of my finally composition I continued tweaking and fixing up my iterations of the design I had in mind. I made sure to try to find squares and shapes in the negative space of the compositions. I tried to make the background become the foreground when the colors were inverted.

I have the basic design of the final composition and I am just working on the top part. I feel the bottom half is solid however the top half needed more work on creating squares that could pop out.

Final Composition

The final digital design of my composition
The physical creation of my final composition












Link to my Portfolio Page

Shape Grammar (point, line, plane)