Honors and Awards (post PhD)
- IEEE INFOCOM achievement award for “seminal contributions to scheduling and resource allocation in wireless networks”.
- List of Most highly cited researchers Thomson Reuters 2014 and 2015.
- List of The World’s Most Influential Scientific Minds in 2014.
- Guest Chaired Professor of Wireless Communications, Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University 2009 – 2012.
- Honorary Professor, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai, China, 2011-2014.
- National Science Foundation CAREER Award, 1996.
- Fellow of the IEEE (Class of 2007)
- Several papers selected for fast track publications to select journals (see below).
Best Paper Awards
- Best paper award, NeurIPS Federated Learning Workshop, 2022.
- Best Paper Award, IEEE INFOCOM 2016
- Best Paper Runner up Award, IEEE INFOCOM 2013 (out of 1600+ submissions 2 runner-up and one best paper were chosen).
- Best Paper Award, IEEE INFOCOM 2008
- Best Paper Award, IEEE INFOCOM 2006
- One of two runner-up papers for the best paper award, IEEE INFOCOM 2005.
- Best paper of the year award, Journal of Communications and Networks, 2005.
- Best paper of the year award, Computer Networks journal, 2003.
Best Student Paper Awards
- Runner-up, Best student paper award, IEEE WIOPT 2022.
- Runner-up of Best Paper Award, ACM MobiHoc Conference, 2020 (with Ahmed Bedewy).
- Sevcik Outstanding Paper Award at ACM SIGMETRICS 2017 (with Sinong Wang)
- Best student paper award (from all papers whose first author is a student), IEEE WiOPT 2013 .
- Best student paper award (from all papers whose first author is a student), IEEE WiOPT 2012.
- Best Student Paper Award (from all papers whose first author is a student), IEEE International Workshop on Quality of Service (IWQoS) 2006.
Keynote/Plenary Talks (Partial List)
- Keynote address, “AI-EDGE: Designing future XG networks and distributed intelligence,” IEEE CTW 2024, Banff, Canada, May 2024
- Keynote address, “AI-EDGE: Designing future XG networks and distributed intelligence,” IEEE MedComNet 2024, Nice, France, June 2024
- Keynote address, “AI-EDGE: Designing future XG networks and distributed intelligence,” ComsNet 2024, January 2024, Bangalore, India
- Keynote address, “AI-EDGE: Designing future XG networks and distributed intelligence,” BalkanCom 2023, June 2023, Turkey.
- Keynote address, “AI-EDGE: An Institute For Future Edge Networks and Distributed Intelligence,” ACM Mobicom 2021
- Keynote address, “AI-EDGE: Designing future XG networks and distributed intelligence,” ITU 2022
- Keynote address, “AI-EDGE: Designing future XG networks and distributed intelligence,” 4th Buffalo Day for
5G and Wireless Internet of Things, 2022. - Keynote address, “A Fresh Look at an Old Problem: Network Utility Maximization — Convergence, Delay, and Complexity,” IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), 2020
- Keynote address, “Delay Optimality in Load Balancing Systems,” WASA 2020.
- Keynote address, “Delay Optimality in Load Balancing Systems,” 31st International Teletraffic Congress (ITC) August 2019, Budapest
- Keynote address, “Minimizing Latency in Cloud Based Systems: Coding Over Parallel Servers,” the Ninth International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing, 2017.
- Keynote address, “Minimizing Data Retrieval Latency in Cloud Storage Systems,” IEEE ICNC 2016.
- Keynote address, “Fast Data Retrieval in Cloud Storage Systems,” ACM Mobihoc 2015.
- Keynote Address, “Beyond Stability: Open Problems in Multi-hop Wireless Networks,” IEEE WiOPT 2011, Princeton, New Jersey, May 2011.
- Plenary Speaker on Mobile and Wireless Networking IEEE ICCCN, Maui, Hawaii, Aug. 2011.
- Keynote Speaker, “Beyond Stability: Open Problems in Multi-hop Wireless Networks,” IEEE MSN 2011 , Beijing, China, Dec. 2011.
- Plenary talk on “Seamless Mobility in Wireless Networks: Are We There Yet?” IEEE Globecom 2010, Miami, FL Dec. 2010.
- Keynote address on ” Analytical Foundations for the Efficient, Robust, and Scalable Design of Multi-hop Wireless Networks, ” IEEE MSN 2009, Yu Wi Mountain, China, December 2010.
- Keynote address on ” Grand Challenges in Wireless Networks, ” IFIP Networking 2007, Atlanta, Georgia, May 2007.
- Keynote address on ” Grand Challenges in Wireless Networks, ” IEEE WirelessCom, Maui, Hawaii, June 2005.
Editorial Positions
Dr. Shroff has held several editorial positions such as:
- Editor in Chief, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 2022-2022.
- Editor at Large, IEEE/ACM Trans. on Networking.
- Senior Editor, IEEE Transactions on Control of Networked Systems.
- Technical Editor, IEEE Network Magazine.
- Member of the Editorial board, Network Science Journal, Springer.
- Guest Editor, IEEE Journal of Selected Areas in Communications on “Nonlinear Optimization of Communication Systems”.
- Associate Editor, IEEE/ACM Trans. on Networking.
- Associate Editor, Computer Networks.
- Associate Editor, IEEE Communications Letters.
Chairs (Partial list)
- General Chair, IEEE WIOPT 2016, Phoenix, Arizona.
- Conference chair, 14th Annual IEEE Computer Communications Workshop (CCW), Estes Park, CO, October 1999.
- Program Co-Chair Symposium on High-Speed Networks, San Francisco, CA, November 2000.
- Panels co-chair, ACM/IEEE Mobicom’2002, Atlanta, GA.
- Technical Program co-chair, IEEE INFOCOM’2003, San Francisco, CA.
- Co-organizer, NSF workshop on Fundamental Research in Networking, held in Arlie House Virginia, 2003.
- Technical Program Co-chair, ACM MobiHoc 2008, Hong Kong.
- General co-chair, WICON 2008
- Co-chair NSF Workshop on Future Wireless Communication Networks
Elected Offices in Technical Society
- Secretary, IEEE Communications Society Technical Committee on Computer Communications (TCCC), May 1999 – 2001.
Panel Member
- IEEE Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems, Panelist and moderator for Leading Issues in Multimedia Networking, October 1998.
- Panel Member on “Scalability and Traffic Control in IP Networks: accomplishments and challenges,” in SPIE’s ITCom 2001 – International Symposium and Exhibit on the Convergence of Information Technology and Communications, 20-24 August 2001, Denver, Colorado.
- Panelist, “Looking into the Crystal Ball of Networking – Future Directions and Visions for Networking Research,” IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP), Nov. 7, 2003.
- Panelist, ” Cross-Layer Integration in Wireless Networks: A Necessity or a Gimmick? ” Networking 2005, Waterloo, Canada, 2005.
- Panelist ” Current Hot Topics in Networking” IEEE INFOCOM 2009, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, April 2009.
- Panelist “Future of multi-hopping: from theory to practice ” ACM Mobihoc 2009, New Orleans, Lousiana, May 2009.
- Panel Member for several NSF panels (CAREER panel; regular panels; and ITR panels).
Program Committees (Partial List)
- IEEE INFOCOM Technical Prog. Committee (TPC) Member, 1996-1998, 2000-2002, 2004-2005, 2007, Technical Program Chair, 2003, lead TPC 2006, Area TPC chair 2007-2013.
- TPC member ICDCS 2012
- TPC member, ACM Mobicom 2007.
- TPC member, ACM MobiHoc 2007.
- TPC member, Networking 2007.
- TPC member, ACM Sigcomm Asia, 2005.
- TPC member, IEEE Med-Hoc 2004.
- TPC, ACM WiOpt’03, WiOpt’04: Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc and Wireless Networks, 2003, 2004.
- IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP) TPC Member 2001.
- SPIE ITCOM 2001, TPC and session organizer in Conference on Modeling and Design of Wireless Networks.
- IEEE Computer Communications Workshop (CCW) 2000 and 2001, organizing Committee Member.
- IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP) TPC Member 2001.
- IEEE INFOCOM Technical Prog. Committee (TPC) Member, 1996-1998, 2000-2002.
- IEEE INFOCOM Executive Committee Member (publications chair) 1999.
- IEEE GLOBECOM TPC Member, 1999.
- IEEE INFOCOM Executive Committee Member (publications chair) 1999.
- IEEE Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems, TPC Member, 1998.
- SPIE ITCOM 2001, TPC and session organizer in Conference on Modeling and Design of Wireless Networks.
- IEEE GLOBECOM TPC Member, 1999.
- IEEE Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems, TPC Member, 1998.