The Ohio State University

The first article that was assigned to us was one about transparency in media and how the publishers make themselves more trustworthy through honesty. This article went over how important the term transparency is to media companies and how important…

The first two articles talk about how websites create sponsored and or editorials based around advertising. The first article goes in-depth about how some people are not able to identify articles and editorials that are sponsored or paid content by…

The first  two articles were about the potential conflicts of interest situations one could face and the rules governing them.  Within this article was advice on how to deal with writing about friends and family, press junkets, and other sort of…

Two articles assigned to us was one about the ethical issue of using forms of deception as a way to report meaningful information to the people. It went over the issue of undercover work and hidden camera use. The report…

Board of Education, Island Trees Union Free School District No. 26 v. Pico, 457 U.S. 853 (1982) The facts: Several members of an upstate New York School Board attended a conservative teaching conference and determined that nine specific books were…

The first article listed was one about Open Doors which is a resource to access government freedom of information articles to use in reporting information to the public. The article hits on the important of having the freedom of information…

This blog post covers 6 different articles covering sources that journalists use. The first article deals with Anonymous Sources, and how to go about using them. This article contained two steps of using anonymous sources with number one being identify…

The main issue these specific articles deal with is irresponsible journalism from a Rolling Stones reporter, whom reported on a story of a UVA student who claimed she had been gang-raped. The original article had told the story of “Jackie”…

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