Value and mark making grid

In this assignment I played around with different objects to see what kind of effects they would make

Oreo, usb, sage, sticks, bubble wrap, chain, earring, cut banana pepper, potpourri, tissue paper, lace end of a tshirt, sharp edge of tape, circle bottom of plastic cup, line engravings in box cutter, cashew, Korean star spice, bottom of water bottle, coins,

One thought on “Value and mark making grid

  1. Excellent work here Shivali! Did you have fun with this, because to me it looks like you did! Each square presents many nuances and possibilities. The “x” through the squares is also a compelling compositional choice. You can even treat this drawing as a reference chart as you create your ink still life. I am interested to know which tool was your favorite – you will inevitably find that some tools work better than others!

    Notice also how the density of mark-making (the quality of a thin vs. thick line), also corresponds with how you might develop light or dark areas on the page. Diluting the ink with water also allows you to develop even more variation. If you are ever nervous about applying ink to that drawing, you can always do more tests in your sketchbook!

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