Module 7: Keys to Motivation for Online Learning

In this week’s study, I learned what to do to stay focused. One thing I learned is to shift the things around me that affect my attention. For example, if I like to play with my phone, I will put my phone far away while I study so I won’t want to reach for my phone. For some people, music can be a very distracting thing, for example, the lyrics in the music can affect our brain and make us want to continue humming along with the music while we study. And if the music we listen to while studying is changed to light or pure music, then studying may not be affected, and instead we will be more focused on studying.

Module 6: Searching and Researching: The Foundation of Academic Writing

I learned a lot of new things during this week of study. For example, the first one is how to use various resources to get me more information. The first and best resource is Google Scholar, which is a freely accessible search engine that indexes scholarly literature across a wide range of disciplines and sources, including articles, theses, books, conference papers, and preprints. This is a very good website that is widely used by scholars all over the world, and I have learned the benefits of this website, and I will use it in my future studies. Also, I learned that there is another website of the school where I can get information for free. The Ohio State Library’s website, this site provides good access to books as well as various research reports.

Another thing I learned is how to effectively ask a research question and start a paper. For example, we don’t have to search for a question in a long way, because the internet has no way to give us accurate information. If we choose the right keywords to search for, such as proprietary terms or just search for specific words to filter out unnecessary information, we can get better access to the literature we need. As well, we can use many different techniques to investigate various literature, which allows us to better access the knowledge we need. This will allow us to be more efficient in our studies. I suggest that in the future students can use this prompt to investigate. We can easily and quickly find what we need.

Module 5: Web-Enhanced Listening and Viewing Strategies

I learned a lot about good note-taking during this week of study. In the slide on page 7, I learned about Cornell notes, which is a previously unknown but very good way to take notes. In our daily note-taking we can be very disorganized, which is not right. Because the ultimate goal of note-taking is to review better, so if our notes are too unstructured, we will be greatly hindered in our review. Cornell notes, on the other hand, do a good job of separating the summary, the questions, and the content. Cornell notes will seek to retain the information in a formatted way, and they can also record the questions that arise while studying in the notes, which can better facilitate our brain to remember. This will make it easy to do both when taking notes and when reviewing. I really recommend Cornell Notes to all students. Because in all subjects, we all take notes, and not having a good note-taking method makes our study difficult. But Cornell Notes can help us with this aspect. I will also use the Cornell note taking method in my future studies. This way I believe I can take notes more clearly as well as review my notes.


Module 4: Web-Enhanced Reading and Study Strategies

What struck me most about this week’s study was the way our brains work and how our memories are formed. Our memory is divided into three types: sensory memory, working memory, and long-term memory. When we are exposed to information through our senses on a daily basis, we send the information to our sensory memory, and we remember it for a short period of two to three seconds, which allows us to have the information for a short period of time, but we won’t remember it for a long period of time. But if we start to think about it repeatedly or are exposed to this information again, this becomes working memory and we will think about processing this information. If we start to review this again, this becomes long-term memory, and we won’t forget it for a long time. So that’s why we review something so often in our studies will deepen our memory. (Module 4, Slide 13)

In my future studies I am more clear about my learning method because I can learn in a better way by understanding the principles of memory. When I want to remember something, I can spend very little time looking at it once, and then look at it many times. This way I can deepen my impression, instead if I look at something for a long time, there may not be a way to remember it deeply. I think the advice I would give to others is to use good methods to memorize what we need to remember. For example, as I said above, use a short memory and then repeat it many times so that we can get better results in a simpler way.


Module 3: Time Management and Strategy

In this week’s study, we learned about time management and strategies. This has helped me a lot. Because I am a person who does not finish tasks on time, which means I have a serious procrastination problem. This is probably one of the most serious problems that impresses me. In this week’s study, I learned a lot about solutions that may be different for each person. For me, I may not be able to concentrate when I study by myself at home because there will be a lot of distracting objects like my computer or phone. And when I go to an environment like a library where many people are studying, I find that I will be very productive because everyone is studying together, so I will start studying up on my own. In my opinion, it is a good way to distinguish the categories that you want to study each time you study. Because when completing a learning task, you can convert to another area of learning. This gives you the joy of completing one task and the anticipation of starting another. I think this is a very effective method and I hope that more students who may be procrastinating like me will try it, as it will help us solve this problem.

Module 2

Through this week, I learned more about the techniques of taking classes online and the things I need to be aware of. For example, on page 5 of the Week 2 lesson (Module 2, Page 5), I learned that we don’t get to meet everyone face-to-face in online classes, so we need to be more aware of what we say and do. Because we can only understand what each person is trying to say through each other’s words. So, this means that there is a chance that we may not be able to understand each other due to lack of communication. So, with respect to the online classroom, we need to choose words that are as elegant as possible and do not have any hidden meanings. For example, each person should respond to each question without sarcasm or offensive language.

I also learned this week how to send emails correctly to get a quick and quality response from my professor. First, since this is an online course, we will not see the professor in the real world, so email may become the only tool to communicate with the professor. So, we must make a good first impression on the professor. And the subsequent emails should be better to express ourselves in a positive tone. This is the only way to get a good response. This is also the most correct way to send emails.