
Inspired by the people and their struggles

The group studying social issues in Nicaragua had an opportunity to visit an agency that deals with many issues that young adults in Nicaragua face. Overall, these issues include drug and alcohol addictions, sexual abuse and trauma, sex trafficking, and mental health issues.

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This center seeks to assist young people ages thirteen to eighteen with such issues in a number of ways. First, the center seeks to provide the youth with a safe environment where they can work through their individual issues. Second, the youth are kept busy with an onslaught of activities from 4:30am to 9pm. This constant activity is implemented in order to protect the youth from boredom and restlessness. Third, they desire to help the youth through creative measures. Some of these include aromatherapy, massage therapy, counseling, art therapy and others. The desire is that the youth will learn to express themselves through other avenues rather than violence or continuing drug addictions. It was great to interact with this agency because of the vibrant community that they have created with this particular population.

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Another interesting aspect of our trip to Nicaragua was the visit to a coffee plantation. Through this experience we were able to learn of the many ways they implement fair trade into their production of coffee. Often, coffee are unconcerned with the treatment of coffee growers. However, at the plantation we were able to explore, they have formed into a corporation in order to possess power through numbers. It was quite inspiring to learn of the ways that this corporation organizes itself in order to ensure quality products.

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– ​Mary Jones and Jade Shepard

M&J Say:

Politics are widespread aspect of life in Managua, and for students in León. Political influence can be seen on the streets via propaganda, within the university, and in the way agencies go about combating social issues.

The streets of Nicaragua are covered in political propaganda. Phrases such as “Viva Daniel”, “FSLN”, and a red and black background with the number “2” are some of the various forms of propaganda found spray painted or posted in the streets.

(Photo from

Within the university, the Sandinista party is pretty popular among students. Our student guide for the day, Veronica, explained how the Sandinista party sponsors a student government for them within the school. Through the student government, they create change on campus and they have one representative that works with the Sandinista government directly. From the students’ perspective, this is great. It gives them power within their university, an opportunity to further their education, and, via the representative, they have a voice in national government.

(Veronica is third from the left, or the “I”)

Agencies are highly affected by the government. It affects every move they make and every project they implement. The Sandinista party is powerful and based on a talk with a rep. from CENIDH, they have their eyes and ears everywhere. He shared with our group a story concerning the police force that can be seen guarding the area. Once, in the midst of a peaceful protest, the CENIDH group was attacked and the police did nothing to help; they simply watched.

(CENIDH representative [left])

The government’s strong hold on the people is multifaceted. On one hand, the government is serving those in poverty, students, and some businesses very well. On the other hand, the right to fair elections has been sacrificed, and there are still many populations in need (such as the indigenous communities up north) that are being ignored.

What’s next? How do the Nicaraguan people loosen the government’s grip while maintaining the benefits? How do they even the playing field so that those still experiencing social injustice can be liberated?

– M&J
(Mary & Jade)