Forgive my lack of creativity today. I am aware I am one of MANY who is deciding to post about the eclipse I had the opportunity to experience.
I drove up to The Ohio State University’s Marion campus with a few other members of the Entomology Graduate Student Organization in the morning. A few of them had classes and were able to take them remotely from my car (thank goodness for strong campus WiFi signals), while Lydia and I went to do a guided tour of the restored prairie.
There we ran into Dr. Frances Sivakoff, a professor we have both been lucky enough to work with.
After pausing to take some absolutely necessary photos of a bee I saw, we returned to the group to wait as the light slowly changed.
I’m not going to pretend any of my photos do it justice. Or that I am the first person to describe the way the world goes dark with a flash as the edge of the sun disappears behind the moon. The drop of the temperature and the way your breath catches looking up at the ring of light left in the sky. But I’m incredibly lucky that I was in Ohio this year so that I was able to experience it.
And am so grateful for the group I was there to live through the experience with.