My Profile

About Me:

Dr. Vinayak Shedekar

I am an Assistant Professor of Agricultural Water Management in the Department of Food, Agricultural and Biological Engineering (FABE) at the Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.  I also serve as the Director of the International Program for Water Management in Agriculture and the Overholt Drainage Education and Research Program in FABE. My current research is focused on agricultural water management, and involves monitoring and modeling of soil health, hydrology, and water quality from field- to watershed-scales. Our team works at the intersection of soil health and agricultural water management for water quality and agricultural sustainability.

Click here to View my detailed CV.

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Ph.D. in Food Agricultural and Biological Engineering (FABE),  The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA

Master of Science in Water Science & Technology (WST), Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI), New Delhi, India

Bachelor of Technology in Agricultural Engineering, Mahatma Phule Krishi (Agricultural) Vidyapeeth (University), (MPKV), Rahuri, India.


Agricultural water management including irrigation and drainage; Design, monitoring and evaluating practices for agroecosystem sustainability and environmental quality; Soil health and climate-smart agriculture; Field- and watershed scale monitoring and modeling of hydrology, hydraulics, water quality, soil-plant-water interactions, greenhouse gases, carbon, and nutrient cycling; GIS-GPS applications and developing farmer-friendly decision tools.


Jan. 2023 – Present       Assistant Professor, Dept. Food, Agricultural and Biological Engineering (FABE), The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH; Director, Overholt Drainage Education and Research Program, FABE; Director, International Program for Water Management in Agriculture, FABE

Feb. 2021 – Present       Research Scientist, Dept. Food, Agricultural and Biological Engineering (FABE), The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH; Coordinator, Overholt Drainage Education and Research Program, FABE; Coordinator, International Program for Water Management in Agriculture, FABE

June. 2018 – Jan. 2021  Post-Doctoral Researcher, Dept. Food, Agricultural and Biological Engineering (FABE), The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH

July 2016 – Dec. 2020   Co-Leader, Healthy Soil Healthy Environment Extension Signature Program, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH (

Dec. 2015 – June 2018 Research Associate II/B, Soil Water, and Bioenergy program, OSU South Centers, The Ohio State University, Piketon OH

June 2010 – Dec. 2015  Graduate Research Associate, Dept. Food, Agricultural and Biological Engineering (FABE), The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH

Jan. 2007- May 2010     Graduate Teaching Associate, Dept. Food, Agricultural and Biological Engineering (FABE), The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH

Aug. 2003 – Dec. 2005  Junior Research Fellow, Water Technology Center, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, India


Google Scholar Profile:

  1. Gonzalez, J. Dick, W., Islam, KR., Shedekar, V., Watts, W., Fausey, N., VanToai, T., Flanagan, D., Batte, M., Reeder, R. Kost, D., Shedekar, V. Flue-gas desulfurization gypsum and cereal rye (Secale cereale) cover crop impact soil chemistry: An emphasis on trace metals and plant nutrients. Soil Science Society of America Journal (Accepted for publication Feb. 2022)
  2. Evenson, G., Osterholz, W., Shedekar, V., King, K., Mehan, S., and Kalcic, M. 2022. Representing soil health practice effects on soil properties and nutrient loss in a watershed-scale hydrologic model. Journal of Environmental Quality (Accepted for publication, Jan. 2022)
  3. King, K., Hanrahan, B., Stinner, J. and Shedekar, V. Field Scale Discharge and Water Quality Response to Drainage Water Management. Agricultural Water Management, 264.
  4. Hanrahan, B., King, K., Duncan, E., and Shedekar, V. 2021 Cover crops differentially influenced nitrogen and phosphorus loss in tile drainage and surface runoff from agricultural fields in Ohio, USA. Journal of Environmental Management, 293.
  5. Shedekar, V.S., King, K., Fausey, N.R., Islam, K.R., Soboyejo, A.B.O., Kalcic, M.M., Brown, L.C. 2021. Exploring the effectiveness of drainage water management on water budgets and nitrate loss using three evaluation approaches. Agricultural Water Management.
  6. Shedekar, V.S., Penn C., Pease, L., King, K.W., Kalcic, M., and Livingston, S. 2020 Performance of a ditch-style phosphorus removal structure for treating agricultural drainage water with aluminum-treated steel slag. Water12(8), p.2149.
  7. Raut, Y., Shedekar, V.S., K.R. Islam, J.M. Gonzalez, D.B. Watts, W.A. Dick, D.C. Flanagan, N.R. Fausey, M.T. Batte, R.C. Reeder, and T.T. VanToai. 2020. Soybean yield response to gypsum soil amendment, cover crop and rotation. Agricultural & Environmental Letters, 5(1), p. e20020.
  8. Penn, C., Livingston, S., Shedekar, V.S., King, K. and Williams, M., 2020. Performance of Field-Scale Phosphorus Removal Structures Utilizing Steel Slag for Treatment of Surface and Subsurface Drainage. Water12(2), p.443.
  9. Sundermeier, A., Shedekar, V.S. Soil Biological Response to Best Management Practices. Journal of the NACAA. 12(2).
  10. Shedekar V. S., K. W. King, N. R. Fausey, ABO Soboyejo, R. D. Harmel, L. C. Brown. 2016. Assessment of Measurement Errors and Dynamic Calibration Methods for Three Different Tipping Bucket Rain gauges. Atmospheric Research. 178: 445-458.
  11. Baffaut, S. Dabney, Shedekar, M. Smolen, M.L. Chu, J. Guzman, M. Jha, M. Youssef, P. Gowda, J. Arnold, and J. Bonta. 2015. Hydrologic and water quality modeling: spatial and temporal considerations. Transactions of the ASABE. 58(6): 1661-1680.
  12. Gunn, K. M., Fausey, N. R., Shang, Y., Shedekar, V. S., Ghane, E., Wahl, M. D., Brown, L. C. 2015. Subsurface drainage volume reduction with drainage water management: Case studies in Ohio, USA. Agricultural Water Management. Vol. 149.
  13. Ghane E., Fausey, N.R., Shedekar, V.S., Piepho, H.P., Shang, Y., and Brown, L.C. 2012. Crop yield evaluation under drainage water management in Ohio. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. 67(6): 465-473.


  1. Shedekar, V.S., Fausey, N.R., King, K.W., and Brown L.C. 2020. Agricultural drainage – the past, present, and future. In Soil and Water Conservation: A Celebration of 75 Years. (Invited chapter for Soil and Water Conservation Society’s 75th anniversary collection)
  2. Shedekar, V.S., and L.C. Brown. 2017. GIS and GPS applications for Planning, Design and Management of Drainage systems. Agronomy Monographs, Precision Conservation: Geospatial Techniques for Agricultural and Natural Resources Conservation, 59. doi:10.2134/agronmonogr59.2013.0026

Extension publications/Popular press articles

  1. Frankenberger, J., Kladivko, E., Bowling, L., Shedekar, V., Youssef, M. et al. 2021. Questions and answers about controlled drainage for the Midwest. Extension Factsheet, Purdue University Extension (Under Review)
  2. Schwab, E., Shedekar, V. 2022. Conservation drainage and advanced technologies to be the focus of upcoming Drainage School. Ohio’s country Journal – February 2022 issue. (com/2022/01/page/3/)
  3. Shedekar, V., Chochran, R., Fischer, B. 2021. Controlled drainage for cover crops and winter wheat. Ohio’s country Journal – January 2022 issue. (com/2022/01/page/3/)
  4. Shedekar, V. 2021. Designing drainage systems for the future. Ohio’s country Journal – June 2021 issue (com/2021/06/page/8/)
  5. Reese, M. 2021. Contributor to Digging parties and drainage. Ohio’s country Journal – June 2021 issue (com/2021/06/page/8/)
  6. Sundermeier, A., Shedekar, V.S. Soil Biological Response to Best Management Practices. 2019 eFields Report. Ohio State Digital Ag Program (
  7. Sundermeier A.P., and Shedekar, V.S. Soil food web. C.O.R.N. Newsletter (2019-11), 4/30/2019 (
  8. Sundermeier A.P., and Shedekar, V.S. The PLFA Soil Health Test. C.O.R.N. Newsletter (2019-09), 4/16/2019 (
  9. Sundermeier A.P., and Shedekar, V.S. Solvita® CO2 Respiration Soil Health Test. C.O.R.N. Newsletter (2019-08), 4/9/2019 (
  10. Contributor to No-Till news, Ohio Ag Net – January 2019 issue (
  11. Contributor to Article: “Ohio No-till Conference Highlights” Ohio’s Country Journal – January 2019 issue (
  12. Sundermeier A.P., and Shedekar, V.S. soil aggregate stability – a soil health physical indicator. C.O.R.N. Newsletter (2018-02), 2/21/2018 (
  13. Shedekar, V.S. 2014. Farmer-friendly tool for predicting soil organic matter. Ohio’s Country Journal – February 2014 issue (


Active Grants:

  1. Shedekar, V. (Lead PI), Winston R., Haab, T, Ghane, E. (2022-2024). A decision support tool to optimize engineered drain design for rural on-site wastewater and urban stormwater treatment systems. Ohio Department of Higher Education Harmful Algal Bloom Research Initiative (ODHE-HABRI). $265,711
  2. Witter, J., Shedekar, V. (Co-PI), Winston, R., Basta, N., Shah, A., D’Ambrosio, J., Mecklenburg, D. (2022-2024). Do conservation channel designs deliver an effective last-ditch defense against downstream phosphorus impairment? Ohio Dept of Higher Education Harmful Algal Bloom Research Initiative (ODHE-HABRI). $298,854
  3. Hood, J., , Lenhart, J., Chaffin, J., Brooker, M., Shedekar, V. (co-PI) (2022-2024). Evaluating the effect of colloidal phosphorus on phosphorus exports, bioavailability, and transformations from the edge-of-field to Lake Erie. (ODHE-HABRI). $899,998
  4. Lyon, S. and Shedekar V. (Co-PI). (2022-2027). Assessing efficacy of automated drainage water management as an environmental infrastructure investment on Ohio’s farms. Ohio Water Development Authority, $199,681
  5. Shedekar, V. (Lead PI), Kalcic, M., Brooker, M., Mehan, S., Penn, C., Camberto, J., King, K., and Muenich, R. (2022-2025). Advancing Knowledge and Prediction of Phosphorus Dynamics In Tile Drained Landscapes. USDA-NIFA-AFRI, $750,000
  6. Shedekar, V. (Lead PI), Murumkar, A., Kalcic, M. (2021-2025). Contribution of legacy phosphorus to watershed outcomes, phase 2 – SWAT modeling. USDA-ARS, $110,000
  7. Shedekar, V. (Lead PI), Kalcic, M. (2020-2024). Quantifying the role of legacy phosphorus in water quality in the western Lake Erie basin watershed. USDA-ARS, $191,025
  8. Shedekar, V. (Lead PI), Kalcic, M. (2020-2024). Quantifying the water quality benefits of integrated conservation practices. USDA-ARS, $225,254
  9. Shedekar, V. (Lead-PI), Kalcic, M., Martin J., Islam. R., and LaBarge, G. (2020-2023). Soil health and water quality nexus in sustainable agroecosystems. NCR-SARE, $250,000
  10. Shedekar, V. (Lead-PI), Kalcic, M., Osterholz, W., and King, K. (2020-2023). Healthy Soils, Healthy Waters: Will Soil Health Improvements Mitigate Nutrient Loading to the Great Lakes? USDA-NIFA-AFRI, $499,926
  11. Thomson, A., Arriaga, F., Kalcic, M., Shedekar, V. (Co-PI), Mehan, S., and Osterholz, W., and King, K. (2022-2025). A multi-scale and regional approach to cold season hydrology and nutrient dynamics in agroecosystems for water quality protection. USDA-NIFA-AFRI, $750,000 (Project led by Univ. of Wisconsin, subcontract to OSU $233,597)
  12. Martin, J., Kacic, M., Murumkar, A., Shedekar, V. (Co-PI). (2021-2023). Evaluating field and watershed-scale water quality benefits of H2Ohio conservation practices in the Maumee River Watershed. Ohio Department of Higher Education Harmful Algal Bloom Research Initiative (ODHE-HABRI). $299,928
  13. Martin, J., Kacic, M., Murumkar, A., Shedekar, V. (Co-PI), Mehan S. (2021-2023). OLEC award for evaluating water quality benefits of H2Ohio conservation practices in the Maumee River Watershed. Ohio Lake Erie Commission (OLEC), Ohio. $173,414

Completed Grants:

  1. Kalcic, M., King, K.W., and Shedekar, V.S. (Co-PI). (2019-2020). Soil Health and Water Quality – Does a system with 40 years of no-till and cover crops reduce nutrient losses to the environment? Conservation Tillage Conference (CTC) Research Mini Grant, $1500
  2. Sundermeier, A. P., Shedekar, V.S. (Co-PI), Islam, K.R. (2018-2020). Making sense of Soil Health Reports – A partnership to develop recommendations for soil health testing, interpretation. NCR SARE Partnership Grant $29,980
  3. Islam, K. R., Shedekar, V.S. (Co-PI), Didenko N., et al. (2018-2019). Impact of sustainable agricultural management practices on soil quality and crop productivity. CRDF US-Ukraine initiative, $107,000
  4. Sundermeier A.P., and Shedekar, V.S. (Co-PI). (2017-2018). Soil Health Survey to Develop Recommendations Based on In-Field Analysis. Conservation Tillage Conference (CTC) Research Mini Grant, $3000
  5. Sundermeier A., Shedekar, V. (Co-lead), Culman S., Islam, K.R., et al. (2016-2019). Healthy Soil – Healthy Environment. Ohio State University Extension Signature Program, $20,000.
  6. Brown, L.C., Shedekar, V.S. (Project coordinator), et al., (2013-2015). Modeling water-table elevations for engineered drain applications with on-Site wastewater treatment systems in Ohio. The Ohio Department of Health, Columbus OH, $36,960.
  7. Islam, K.R. and Shedekar, V.S. (2014 to 2015). Developing a farmer friendly soil organic matter calculator for sustainable production of soybeans with enhanced ecosystem services. Ohio Soybean Council, $ 25,000.
  8. Brown, L.C., and Shedekar, V.S. (Co-I). (2013-2014). Evaluating effects of drainage Intensity on dynamics of Carbon, Nitrogen, and water in subsurface drained fields under various tillage and water management scenarios. Conservation Tillage Conference (CTC) Research Mini Grant, $2000.
  9. Islam, K.R., Reeder R., Shedekar, V.S., and Grigar, J.R. (2011-2012). Developing farmer friendly tools for predicting soil organic matter in a sustainable corn-based bioenergy feedstock system. Corn Marketing Program of Michigan, $30,000.

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