OIA Third Party Study Abroad Events

This event was about third party study abroad Programs at OSU and it featured Jenny Kraft from the Office of International Affairs. Jenny first discussed study abroad events in general and then she discussed third-party study abroad programs, which are study abroad programs that OSU offers in partnership with a different university or programs that other universities offer that students can independently sign up for. I am interested in studying abroad in Summer 2021 in England either through the London School of Economics Summer Extension School, where I can take Economics courses at one of the greatest schools for Economics in the world and get credit for my major, or the Pembroke King’s College at the University of Cambridge where I can take courses in Economics or any other subjects and perhaps also be involved in research at one of the most prestigious universities in the world. Both of these study abroad programs are technically third-party programs offered by Arcadia University in partnership with OSU, so I thought attending this program would be relevant for me and my future program wishes. I already knew a lot of information about study abroad programs that Jenny discussed prior to attending this event, but it was nice to have a reminder and gain some new information about study abroad through the event as well.

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