Year in Review

I think that this whole year has been very humbling for me.  School has been really hard for me this year as compared to freshman year- I’ve come to understand a lot about how I am a perfectionist, but that actually its okay that I am not perfect.  I went for being very successful in high school and getting straight A’s, to having to fight and work really hard for my grades in college- but this is also teaching me about perseverance and determination.  I’ve learned a lot about being a leader-taking on roles that I didn’t necessarily love doing, but I knew would be bettering the organizations I am involved in.  I learned a lot about being selfless but also learned that I need to take better care of myself.  I did not have a lot of time to take for myself this year, and I think that that sometimes affected the way I was able to serve- it affected my relationships, my schoolwork and just myself internally.  There was a certain point this last semester where I really just didn’t feel like myself anymore because I was so wrapped up in everything that I was doing that I wasn’t taking any time to love myself and to rest.  I notice that the time I do take for myself allows me to give so much more to everyone around me and keeps me more focused in school.  So overall, this year has changed the way that I view a lot of things- its shown me areas that I need to improve myself, but also taught me a lot about my own personal determination and drive to push through the things I’ve committed to, even if they are not going well.  Moving forward, I want to really invest myself in a few things, so that way I am able to fully commit and can give more of myself to those things.  I am going to continue to invest myself in the Catholic community at OSU because that is where I find the most joy and life- this isn’t an area that I initially expected to get involved with coming into college, but it has completely changed my life and really been a pivotal thing for me in college.   I would love to find a job or a volunteer position working with disabled kids, especially since I am planning to pursue PT school after graduation.  I am also hoping to go on another mission trip next spring break.