

An illustration of four people of various shades of human standing on a beach, watching the arrival of a ship bearing a British flag.

Visitors by Evan Williams


Note on the Interviews and Transcripts

All the interviews of Round 1 of this project (OSU College of Arts and Sciences grant cycle 2022) were held in the academic year 2022-2023. All the interviews of Round 2 of this project (OSU College of Arts and Sciences grant cycle 2023) were held in the academic year 2023-2024. The conversations were held online via Zoom, in person, or in some combination of those modes. The interview recordings were carried out by Amrita Dhar.

The interviews were edited for length and clarity by Amrita Dhar.

The audio of these interviews is also available on Apple Podcasts.

The interview transcripts on this site reproduce, as closely as possible and without compromising readability, the actual words and sounds of the interviews, so as to retain the genuinely conversational flavour of what in fact were conversations.

Each interview page also contains select materials supplementing the conversation in question. We are grateful to each invited interviewee for sharing documents from their personal or professional archives, thus making possible our layered appreciation of the interviewees’ work.


Pilot: Adélékè Adéẹ̀kọ́, Amrita Dhar, and Amrita Sen

Vishal Bhardwaj with Amrita Dhar and Amrita Sen 

Lolita Chakrabarti with Amrita Dhar

Margaret Harvey with David McInnis

Iqbal Khan with Jyotsna Singh 

John Kani with Amrita Dhar

Tonderai Munyevu with Christopher Thurman 

Anelisa Phewa with Christopher Thurman

Sonnet L’Abbé with Anelisa Phewa

Femi Osofisan with Adélékè Adéẹ̀kọ́ and Amrita Dhar

Madeline Sayet with Amrita Dhar

Preti Taneja with Amrita Dhar and Amrita Sen