On March 21, members of SGT@OSU hosted another review session for AAE 2201 Introduction to Aerospace Engineering II students at Ohio State. Members answered questions and presented practice problems and conceptual reviews to help prepare students for their midterm on concepts of spaceflight and orbital mechanics. Review materials, including a review packet containing much of the information discussed, can be found at our Resources for Students page. Hard copies of the review packets used to guide these sessions are also posted in the Battelle Center in Page Hall as soon as they become available. The session was again well attended and many students were able to have questions answered on a variety of aerospace topics. SGT@OSU also hosted its first informal discussion session before Spring Break. These sessions allow students to ask questions in a more informal environment with the goal of getting basic questions answered earlier so we can focus on other areas of concern during the main review session. All AAE 2201 students or those interested in learning more about introductory aerospace concepts are welcome to attend. To provide feedback or learn more, please email sgt.osu@gmail.com.