Welcoming You to the New Sexual and Gender Minority Research Collaborative!

The Leadership Team is thrilled to introduce you to our newly formed Sexual and Gender Minority Research Collaborative here at The Ohio State University.

Our Vision and Mission

At the core of our group’s vision is connecting academic researchers from across OSU to one another as well as connecting the academic and local communities. As part of this, we are committed to advancing knowledge, fostering inclusivity, and advocating for the rights and well-being of sexual and gender minorities.

Why This Research Matters

In a world that is becoming increasingly aware of the importance of diversity and inclusion, there remains much to uncover and understand about the lives of sexual and gender minorities. Through our research, we aim to provide a comprehensive understanding of the unique struggles faced by these communities, as well as the resilience, strength, and contributions they bring to society.

Our Areas of Focus

Our research collaborative is already expansive and growing every day, including but not limited to:

  1. Identity and Self-Expression: Exploring the multifaceted nature of sexual and gender identities, and how individuals navigate their own paths of self-discovery and self-expression.
  2. Mental and Physical Health: Investigating the mental health challenges faced by sexual and gender minorities, and striving to shed light on strategies for fostering well-being and support.
  3. Social Acceptance and Discrimination: Analyzing the impact of societal acceptance and discrimination on the lives of sexual and gender minorities, and advocating for policies and attitudes that promote inclusivity.
  4. Legal and Human Rights: Examining the legal and human rights landscape for sexual and gender minorities globally, and working towards a more equitable and just world.
  5. Intersectionality: Recognizing that sexual and gender identities intersect with other aspects of identity, such as race, ethnicity, disability, and socio-economic status, and studying the unique challenges faced by individuals at these intersections.

Get Involved

We believe in the power of collaboration and community. The SGM Research Collaborative is housed in the OSU College of Nursing, but this space is for all researchers and community members, designed to foster collaborative efforts across campus. If you share our passion for understanding and advocating for sexual and gender minorities, there are many ways you can get involved:

  1. Stay Informed: Follow our blog for the latest updates, research findings, and insights into the lives of sexual and gender minorities. Contact Dr. Ethan Morgan (morgan.1691@osu.edu) to be included on the website as an affiliated member or institute.
  2. Contribute: Are you a researcher, advocate, or individual with a story to tell? We welcome guest contributors who can enrich our platform with diverse perspectives and experiences.
  3. Spread the Word: Help us create a ripple effect by sharing our content with your networks and raising awareness about the importance of sexual and gender minority research.

Thank you for embarking on this journey with us. Together, we can make a significant impact on the lives of sexual and gender minorities, creating a world where everyone is celebrated for who they are. Let’s learn, grow, and advocate together!