

A world where all sexual and gender minority people are understood, respected, and celebrated for their unique identities and experiences. We strive to create an inclusive and equitable academic environment that embraces diversity, fosters positive change, and empowers sexual and gender minorities to live their lives authentically and without fear of discrimination or prejudice. 


To conduct rigorous and impactful research that advances the understanding, visibility, and well-being of sexual and gender minority people. We are dedicated to generating evidence-based knowledge that informs policies, practices, and interventions to address the challenges faced by sexual and gender minority communities. 


Our mission encompasses a multidisciplinary approach, aiming to connect scholars not only to one another but to also connect with the local community. Through our research, we seek to uncover the complexities of sexual orientation, gender identity, and expression, exploring the intersections of identities and experiences within the broader context of health and well-being alongside social, cultural, and historical factors. 


Empowerment and Inclusivity: We aim to enable individuals to live authentically, make informed choices, and actively participate in shaping their own lives and communities by amplifying their voices, fostering self-advocacy, and promoting their rights and well-being. We strive to create a safe, welcoming, and affirming space for all individuals, ensuring their voices and experiences are heard and validated.


Equality and Social Justice: We actively work towards challenging systemic discrimination, prejudice, and stigma through our research, advocacy, and collaboration with community partners and the academic community across OSU.


Rigorous Scholarship: We uphold the highest standards of academic rigor in our research endeavors. We prioritize evidence-based methodologies, robust data analysis, and rigorous peer review to ensure the reliability and validity of our findings. We aim to advance the existing body of knowledge surrounding sexual and gender minority issues and foster a culture of critical thinking and intellectual curiosity.


Collaboration and Partnership: We actively seekto foster community and collaboration across OSU as well as withcommunity organizations, policymakers, and advocacy groups to leverage collective expertise and resources to maximize the impact of our research and effect positive change. 


Intersectionality: We strive to explore and address the complex ways in which gender, race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, disability, and other intersecting identities shape the lives of sexual and gender minority individuals and communities. By embracing intersectionality, we aim to promote a more comprehensive and nuanced understanding of the diverse needs and challenges faced by sexual and gender minority people.


Training and Mentorship: We embrace a culture of lifelong learning, recognizing that knowledge and understanding are continuously evolving. We are committed to staying abreast of emerging research, trends, and best practices while committing to training the next generation of scientists, clinicians, and leaders. We facilitate ongoing professional development, critical reflection, and open-mindedness to promote intellectual growth at all levels including undergraduates, graduate students, postdoctoral scholars, and junior faculty.


Want to join as an affiliated member or center? Email Dr. Morgan: morgan.1691@osu.edu