Urgent Terrain Data for Nepal


SETSM Elevation model hillshade image for the Kathmandu Valley, Nepal. Image created by the Polar Geospatial Center.

The SETSM team is working quickly to produce high resolution elevation models for use in the Nepali earthquake relief effort. These data are critical for a range of uses, including mapping infrastructure, planning rescues and assessing slope stability. Thus far, we have produced an 8-m Digital Terrain Model mosaic (hillshade image right) of the Kathmandu area, distributed freely at the PGC elevation data portal. This initial version of the mosaic was produced automatically and, therefore, has blunders and edge artifacts. It has also not been registered. Besides improving on this DEM, we will be processing the entirely useable archive of Worldview stereo imagery over Nepal starting next week in order to expand coverage. Check back for updates.

See this OSC press release about the Nepal DEM/DTM generation.


Northwest Greenland Mosaic Completed

SETSM-Western-Greenland-v2.0We have completed processing and mosaicing of West and Northwest Greenland at 10 m resolution. The data are available via the PGC web portal. Note that the northernĀ half of the mosaic has much more complete coverage than the southern half. This is due to both the expanded capacity and tasking of WorldView over the past year. We are now backfilling the southern regions with the additional imagery to provide continuous surfaces.