Naji Al-Ali: An Artist with a Vision

Famous for his rebellious attitude towards the Occupation in Palestine, Naji Al-Ali has made history using art in drawing attention to the injustice Palestinian people face on a daily basis. Naji Al-Ali emerged from a Palestinian refugee camp in Lebanon after the catastrophe of
1948 where Israel violently forced his family to flee in the fear of being killed. Early in his career, Al-Ali accounted for many harassments from the Lebanese secret police. He would often end up in and out of prison for his critical views. As a young man, he was intrigued by art and
constantly wishing to learn more. Eventually, in 1958, he enrolled in Beirut’s Arts Academy to study painting. Despite working on his studies, he continued to experience constant discrimination, was placed in jail later forcing him to leave the Academy. After producing a few cartoons, he received a lot of love and support from people. Naji explains that their response was better than expected and is what led to his decision to continue his works. Al-Ali expresses that he began drawing as if he was possessed and wished to have many arms similar to the Indian Gods.

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